
They don't have the faintest glimmering of self-awareness. Also, IOKIYR.

Forced-birther leaders have done a great job of indoctrinating people in the idea of birth control being just as murderous as strangling a toddler. She's doing nothing more than parroting the party line here. Their leaders are getting more brazen in presenting their anti-contraception stance, for some reason. It is

They already are. I've already seen statements from them saying that they think the drop is because all their slut-shaming and sex-punishing worked. YAY EVERYBODY! IT WORKS! Except that's totally not what the study said, in fact it's the dead opposite of the study's findings, but since when did forced-birthers live in

Forced-birthers only care about punishing women for having sex. Forcing people of both genders to donate organs would save a lot more lives than forcing women to gestate, but since nobody needs an organ transplant because they had sex, it's never going to catch on. Also, men would be forced to donate organs as well

Damn you. That was just so beautiful.

For some reason I thought Bruno Mars was Bruce Willis' band and was all WAIT A MINUTE

My husband's a vegetarian for the same reasons you seem to be one—mostly for his health, but for other reasons as well. It'd be nice to have options for him. I can eat damn near anything, but we have to plan ahead for road trips because up here in the country, it's hard to find anything vegetarian except Taco

I need that shirt.

ha! Exactly! But it was his own fault for Christianzoning her. I didn't want to mention the wife-grooming aspect of the tale because I wasn't sure, but yeah, the story had that whiff too. If the guy was fundie enough to buy into demonic possession, it's a little weird that he wasn't fundie enough to have any qualms

I was pretty mortified, yeah. I'd had no idea. I'd heard the story before and had always had some doubts, but the tape just made me go whoa. I'm sure to some extent he really still thinks it happened for realsies. I think most of the folks this stuff happens to really think it has some "real" component. It's a crazy

O.O oh my that is awesome. Thanks for the tip!

IDK, it's okay. I know it's really traumatizing to think about demons being inside you and to go through something like that. Please know you're not insane. You're not lying, either. It's possible to feel very sure of something and just be sincerely mistaken, that's all. I spoke in tongues when I was a fundamentalist

The aforementioned husband claimed that he had attended that church as a "Wiccan Satanist" and been exorcised of a demon, so I suspect that it does happen—but you're dealing with folks who were at least able to pick up on the social cues. I never believed for a moment he'd really been demon-possessed—he was a

Oh! And not to double ya, but yeah, I was regularly exorcised. Anybody who felt depressed or bummed out or was facing any sort of setback was possessed or "oppressed" by demons, so exorcisms were pretty standard fare in my denomination. I had about the same reaction after I realized it was all bullshit—"thanks for

I was Pentecostal and bought way into that whole demon-possession thing. The guy avoided you because you'd ruined his movie moment by not buying into the possession narrative he was spinning in his head. You were supposed to freak out and have this major episode, and he'd be the big damn hero, and then you'd convert.

I'm in my 40s and starting to go silver. I've never dyed my hair in my life. But once it goes full silver I'm going to look into bubble-gum pink and apple green. I've already put the fam on alert so it won't be too much of a shock when I do it.

I don't get the appeal either, but I don't know of any other faster way to communicate "I'm a stripper or live in a trailer park" than square-cut nails. Not that there's anything wrong with either one. It's their nails and they can do whatever they want with them. I've just never seen the style on anybody except those

Extreme suggestibility, for the most part, is my guess, same as I'd say for people who think they can speak in tongues or who "dance in the Spirit" or whatever other manifestation of spiritual activity they think they're doing. People who are indoctrinated into a culture that sees demonic possession as a thing will

The best I can do for you: They make hanging cubbyholes made of fabric. I got two sets of them and put all my shoes and socks into them and went vertical. Like this:

My husband gave up long ago trying to pare down my collection. Of our three-bedroom apartment, one whole room is nothing but bookcases, and there are bookcases all over the place elsewhere. I've heard that in Japan you can get books scanned for a few bucks to put into an e-reader, and I can't even imagine doing that