
Just a donation hint - yearbooks and schoolbooks from private or parochial schools are often welcome back there for their memory cases. Contact them and ask—it's surprising how often they want to welcome a bit of their history back. Be careful about giving books back to public libraries though; they don't usually have

When I was the right age to enjoy HK, I was too poor. Now I'm still kinda poor, but it's my money now so I can spend it however I want. HK is forever. J-List is my kryptonite.

If there is a picture of Hello Kitty on it, it is going into my goddamned closet. I don't even know what the fuck is going on here. I'm in my 40s and I know that there are not many occasions suitable for me to wear this stuff.

That movie was filled top to bottom with diverse bodies and people. Nani is one of the kick-assest Disney characters ever. She's so real—she loves her sister but she's still a teenager—I loved her temper, her impulse-control problems, and her messy kitchen. She was trying so hard to be an adult, but she just couldn't

This is a good thing. Here is why:

That's why I blog. When the hate spirals start, I have somewhere to go.

I got mine. I sewed it to my favorite pair of booty shorts.

You asked for it. HERE COMES... THE SMOLDER™.

And when these tried-and-true instructions don't work and just get them arrested or worse, what are the MRA/PUA/"Nice Guys" going to think? Are they going to blame themselves or the women they're preying upon, or are they going to question their entire paradigm?

The Manboobz blog is a good catch-all. That's the one I normally follow to keep up with MRA/PUA/Nice Guy™ subculture.

You just watched the very best the mid-1980s pop scene had to offer. I still can't believe boys dressed like that in my high school.

I found out what a trilby hat was purely because this song made me curious about it. This was in the pre-internet dayz too, so that wasn't easy!

That mindset carries with it, as well, a vicious amount of fury and rage at those mean ole wimmins and libtards who took away all those toys before the men of today really even got to enjoy them. There's a lot of revengelust in the stuff I'm reading lately—not only do these folks want those misty Good Ole Days back,

I think he's just really non-threatening to them sexually. That squeaky-clean, fumbling-little-boy, aw-golly-gee-whiz image he used to have is not squaring well with the pissing-in-buckets, getting-caught-high-and-drinking, spitting-on-fans, neglecting-pet-monkeys persona he's cultivating IRL, but old affections must

The eyebrows... what is with the eyebrows thing he keeps doing? Is it just that he's tripping balls so hard he can't keep his eyes open? It's really grating. It's like a facial fedora.

I took Attic Greek in college largely because of Sappho. Her poetry moves me to tears. I still don't read it very well, but I at least can follow the cadences and understand some of the ideas. Her work is so beautiful.

Is this going to be like the anti-gay crowd "boycotting" Disneyland? Or the "Million Mom" group that had a few thousand members demanding Ellen be fired from some spokesperson gig she got? Oh wow, can't offend the fundie wackadoodles! OH NOES! Fundie wackadoodles are upset and have a sad! Stop the presses!

There's also a very famous clergy letter signed by a goodly number of ministers from Protestant churches announcing their pro-choice stance. I hope they can steer that Titanic back.

My husband grew up on a farm worked by migrant workers from Mexico. They had a saying for men like you describe, MrsAmy: "mighty white," as in, "It's mighty white of these librul men to demand women breed more babies to "balance things.""

That's awful... I'm so glad your granddad's first wife came out okay, but holy fuck that's a horrible thing to have happened and awful that your grandfather had to deal with all that. That's the reality of the 50s though. That's what it really looked like. It wasn't some magical time when women didn't have sex except