
I have no idea why the greys love me so much, but true dat. Right-wing evangelical Christians only discovered abortion after Catholics began moving into the political sphere. It's bizarre to think there was a time when Protestants genuinely thought that abortion was a private decision best left up to the woman herself

Ross Douthat's been wringing his hands over precisely this matter for ages now. Won't someone think of the white entitled men? All these brown ladies and Poors keep breeding and the white women aren't taking one for the team!

The abortion fight was never about abortion. It was about making sex so terrifying for women that we'd finally stop having so much of it. The second the Pill came out, the Christian right (and uber-crazy Catholics) recognized it for the threat it was to their established dominance over women. Though I don't think it

Well, that's how the GOP tends to talk to women, so I'm not that surprised. They think we're all idiots.

I think it's a requirement, yes. The other dancing bear they've got, Sarah Palin, had one too, didn't she?

Details, details. BORSHUN BAD!

I get the impression what the GOP wants is for women to want those choices to be popping out babies we can't afford and don't want, sort of like that asshole boyfriend who says "do what you want" but if what you want is to go out with your girlfriends all night and party once in a while, you're in deep shit when you

My dad was an EMT. Some people keep copies of Reader's Digest on the back of the john. Well, we got his illustrated medical manual. Everybody in medicine is a fucking SAINT as far as I'm concerned. I haven't a clue how any of them do it. I can't even clean up cat barf without heaving.

"Because it doesn't come off with soap and water, it only dissolves with love." That was beautiful. If I could still sew I'd cross-stitch that on a pillow. It's heartbreaking what women do to ourselves to try to make it look like we just don't have vulvas or vaginas... yesterday I saw some stupid celeb news site just

I don't ever think I've seen Le Cage look this bored or this disinterested in anything he's ever appeared in.

Thank you so much for writing this piece. I learned a lot from it. It seems unbelievable to me that the idea of treating everybody with respect, no matter their gender, no matter their cis/trans status, no matter their race, no matter their orientation would be such a mind-blowingly difficult concept to grasp, but

I used to be Catholic so this was one of the funniest things I ever saw. I can't wait to see what my Catholic family members make of it. If there are gods, they must be laughing their asses off right about now.

Weirdly, no matter how often they try to rephrase the same bullshit and drill down on the same lies, women aren't fooled. It's almost as if we have minds or something, but that can't possibly be right.. can it?

Sexism is over! We can rejoice! Women are totally winning the war on inequality. We know, because Poodle Do said so, and he knows because his sister's a doctor and all these women are in grad school programs. Didn't one of these smarmy GOP gits tell us not long ago that racism was dead too?

I'm glad that they did too. Everybody benefits when businesses ensure stuff's done right.

Oh, is that a promise, Shia? Please? You're really leaving forever and nobody will ever have to hear your name or see your dead-eyed shark stare ever again? If you really had integrity, you'd keep your promises, so I'm hoping you do manage to find some integrity somewhere and keep this promise.

Every girl I knew in high school wore that shit.

Oh god, my first boyfriend (a college guy) bathed in^M^M^M^M^M wore that in the 80s. I still kinda like the scent (not the guy though, who turned out, shockingly, to be a douche).

It's too bad these insecure young men didn't ask. Back in the 80s when I was in high school I waded through the halls to classes in a sea of Polo, while hot college guys provided a sea of Drakkar Noir once I reached college halls. I can't even smell neroli without it taking me right back to San Jac.

The first movie I can remember seeing as a child was "Outland." I don't think my parents had any idea what it was going to be. And Gremlins was so damn cute I c an see parents not knowing its darker side. Anybody who takes a child to see this movie, though, has no excuse.