
I admit, it annoys the shit out of me when people say they "believe" or "don't believe" in scientific concepts like evolution. Do they understand it and accept it? That's the question. But it doesn't require "belief" when it's already real. It's not a pie in the sky or an invisible magical friend. Talking about

You don't understand analogies very well, do you? Lovely false one you've constructed, and the funny part is, even as flawed as it was, you actually proved my point rather than your own. That's okay. I know analogies can be really hard sometimes. Diet, exercise, and regular medical exams do not guarantee a long life

So when did you stop beating your wife?

All I've ever seen of this movie is the last bit with the pageant (my friends love the weirdly sexualized little girl singing a sexy-wexy song about all she wants for Christmas being *point* YOU so I've seen that creepy-ass clip posted like ten times on FB in the last week or two) and it already looked like about the

The people posting links and clips from it are mainly concentrating on the little girl singing at the end, so I'm guessing they're happy about the song or something.

I actually had a Catholic try to tell me that abstinence is totally effective in preventing STDs and pregnancy. It was the most tragic damn thing. I had to remind her that not only was that not the case with the Virgin Mary, but that abstinent girls get raped and sexually abused too.

There's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here. When a young woman is not given adequate education about her own body and grows up in a culture that considers her primary value as a person to be the contents of her crotch, I don't know what else we were expecting than what we're seeing here. A great number of

This did come off as a "no atheists in foxholes" kind of slam, just so you know. The good news is that your suspicion is not factually correct; people are disengaging from churches at huge rates (three in four are out by age 30 is the number I heard most recently), and until recently, pastors weren't worried—not

I'm okay with people believing in magic as long as they don't try to inject that magic into my life against my will or try to pervert education or remove people's rights because of the magic friend they think doesn't like that stuff. It's nice that zealotry is kinda subsiding—I think the country is getting sick of

It seems terribly important to this asshole that feminism be somehow a negative force for women—this idea that it's backfired, that we thought we wanted equality but now look at how badly this has all turned out. It seems very important for him to be able to tut-tut and say "Didn't we wise powerful white men tell you


To be honest, the idea of looking down my body and seeing either one of those intolerable misogynists heading down to the Y gives me the heebies. I find them revolting. I'm just not attracted in the least to men who think I'm nothing more than pretty, smiling breeding stock.


We need to give due recognition to how long it took him to write all this—and how well he managed to keep his capitalization and grammar mostly together—while typing with just one hand.

I'll bring the booze for all of us. I'll bring my man, you bring your lady, and we'll enjoy a flight in total radio silence.

On the mega plus side, this kind of shit just alienates more and more people. The Catholic Church is already well on its way out; these kinds of dick moves just make people leave all the faster. At this point I can't even imagine why any moral, decent person would ever darken a Catholic church's doorway. They might


That's a damn clever cat all right. You're not a bad cat momma. If she isn't leaving the yard and you're sure she's safe, I don't see any reason to keep her indoors all the time. I couldn't do it in my area; lots of traffic right outside, way too many loose dogs and other higher-on-the-food-chain predators around this

I'm pretty sure there are breed rescues for perty much any breed you can think of; someone else on this article mentioned a Snowshoe rescue. I've noticed that breeders usually "take back" kitties the owners must abandon, then adopt out those kitties, and that's what I've got in mind. I'm content to wait as well.

When my half-Siamese Disapproving Kitty passed away, a couple years later I felt ready to get another cat. I mentioned offhandedly to my husband that I wanted another Siamese permutation of some kind because I missed having a talkie cat.