
Every even part-Siamese I've ever owned—and there've been a few over the decades—was hugely talkie and they've all had a distinctive drawling yowl they employed on necessary occasions (like the food dish being only half-full, or there being some catnip left in the jar and they knew it, or me not petting them enough,

We may never see you again. Snowshoes are a whole new level of cute. I'm getting one at some point myself.

Nothing expresses pure hatred of humanity better than a tuxedo cat. I've got one now sitting at my feet brooding like a demon contemplating how to retake Heaven itself.

I had a Disapproving Kitty once. She habitually looked at the world like she was an elderly maiden auntie seeing a young woman without a bra on walk past her. Everything mildly annoyed her—when it wasn't utterly outraging her. She died five years ago at 18, disapproving of the whole world and every goddamned thing

You've gotta cut some slack to babies. If a parent is taking a baby on a plane, there's probably some damned good reason for it. Maybe Grandma is dying and they want her to see the baby before she goes. Maybe there's a job opportunity for mom somewhere far away. I don't think most parents happily take babies on

Please don't worry too much. When my mom died, I "inherited" her 18-pound ex-feral nightmare of a beach-ball kitty. This cat was only affectionate toward my mother and pretty much a nightmare of MEAN to everybody else, but I couldn't bear the idea of putting her down as my mom had told me I could. But keeping her

Please be my best friend. I've recently had an opening.

It's a sense of untouchability. Like they get told they're bulletproof often enough and actually start thinking they are. They try out small lies and offenses and nobody seems to call 'em on it, so the lies and offenses get bigger and bigger. This kid really comes off as one of those "bulletproof" schmucks who

I hear it's an amazing movie. Hope you enjoy it! And thanks for the kind words :)

This is relevant to my interests.

I'm glad you got a chance to see and hear it! For all Jackson's troubles, that is THE definitive music video of its generation and one of THE definitive songs of its generation. I was about 10 when the video came out on the fledgeling MTV channel and oh my god, it was all we could talk about at school for days. I was

Nailed it. If I wanted to hear someone who sounds just like Michael Jackson, I'll go listen to Michael Jackson.

Shocked, yes, shocked I am that SNL couldn't find anybody "ready." I haven't seen SNL in a while, but they used to have a lot of performers that didn't seem like they were ready for much of anything but a naked Twister party with more snow on hand than one could reasonably find at the North Pole.

I see Disney figured out where all the fanfic is kept online, and also figured out how fanfic writers name heroes/villains' kids. I've seen this exact plot ("let's take the kids of all these iconic heroes/villains and let them go to school together!") a few billion times on RP boards too.

I agree: it's nice to be able to reach out this way! That's horrible that you got told your life was ruined by having your child. It was your choice. I'm sure it made life a little tougher, but ruined? That's a really strong term to use for someone's personal decision to bring a life into the world, isn't it? Says a

I'm not kidding. I was reading this article and thought, "There's only one thing it needs now: a miraculous 'conversion' to Jesus and a claim of 180 turnaround." And whoops—there it was!

I figured and I'm glad to have that confirmed! And thanks, you too. No, I don't, never did want them or let my own man-children talk me into it. Ex#1 kept on and on about how he'd be such an awesome Mr. Mom (the movie had come out not that long before we got married) and I was all PFFFT sure, because I knew that idiot

What a dipshit—I guess he'd just worked soooooooo harrrrrd right beforehand that it was just exhausting. You dodged one there, sister. As tough as it almost certainly is as a single parent, I've got to think you already were in a lot of ways and you're better off without having to worry about him. Congratulations for

Is that seriously the panel of self-appointed "experts" Fox found to declare that why yes absolutely Jesus and Santa should be white? A bunch of white people have decreed that their normative thinking is actually totally fine and not ignorant racism at work. I'm so shocked.

I was fully prepared to live alone the rest of my life after divesting myself of that last man-child. I genuinely think that for my own sanity it's better to be living alone than to deal with another idiot who thinks I'm his maid just because I might wear the costume to bed sometimes. You know, I've met a number of