
My man was raised by a war hero and longtime officer, so he's about the same way. It's downright humbling how fast (and how effectively) he can get our place shipshape. Too bad military service did nothing for my first ex, who came out of it with a new and profound appreciation for 1950s gender roles.

You made the right choice. It's hard enough being a single mommy to one kid, but you had two children to deal with here.

I lived in Japan briefly, and I can tell you that it feels downright barbaric even decades later to wear shoes in a house. It drives me nuts that my husband doesn't take his off the second he gets in—that's why we have a tiled entry foyer, damn it!

I was with a couple of different men who don't treat housework equitably. I learned firsthand what it is to get the shit end of the stick as a woman. I learned that they thought this work was utterly beneath them because PENIS. I learned that they thought that this work was utterly not beneath me because VAGINA. I

I've heard those "jokes" too and the ones I heard weren't really jokes.

These shoes are what every Nice Guy would make if they could only figure out how. Every single story is a Nice Guy treating some woman like an object or preying upon someone emotionally unavailable and then being shocked that the relationship didn't work out. He's lambasting these women for not being his perfect mate

Religion News Service runs articles about his abuses on a regular basis. Right now he's fighting some plagiarism accusations that look like they have teeth.

It's a pretty good litmus test. Anybody who finds sympathetic even the slightest concept or idea from that man is nobody any sane woman should want to date. As a rule of thumb, anything he thinks, says, or preaches is the dead opposite of how mature, loving relationships should work.

Every one of the crazy, misogynistic, sex-negative things he says are things he's saying to himself. They're arguments he personally finds compelling.

I wonder if this is why he writes such hysterical screeds about yoga being an evil Satanic lure for nice white Christians. You maybe have kick-started something in this disgusting reptile's mind.

I live in Idaho, where the minimum wage is shamefully low. I mean horrifyingly, shamefully low. We have about the biggest percentage of residents in minimum-wage jobs in the whole country, and our legislators are notoriously unwilling to look at the issue of a living wage for our people. (We also seem to have a much

Welcome to the conservative right-wing fundagelical Republican world. There is just one mold for men and one mold for women. You're issued your mold at birth and it cannot be changed. Men are strong-jawed providers who still manage to feel weirdly outraged and hard-done-by by all these evil feminists. Women are sweet,

I thought that was Eos: Tears of Dew wine?

Thank you for spreading the word. I'm seriously considering getting one—I've never heard an owner of a SodaStream say anything but good things about it.

Every body seems different that way, doesn't it? I can't drink too much aspartame—it makes me dizzy. It took me a while to figure out that was what was doing it, and it was really scary.

I feel ya. I use sweeteners because my doctor recommend I use them instead of sugar. I did bloodwork regularly while I was losing weight under his supervision and nothing I was doing was hurting me in any way. I lost weight, got healthier, and have kept the weight off. I really don't like it when strangers think it

When equal marriage started to become a thing, I had a suspicion: that what would bother bigots the most is not what would change by letting gay people get married, but by what would not change at all.

Diane says that she doesn't like hanging out with other women because they're just so mean and catty, so she likes having just male friends instead. Diane gets pregnant and then deliberately uses up all her FMLA before she quits. Diane gets snooty about other women's parenting choices. Diane lets her children run wild

Weddings are expensive because vendors can make them expensive. That's pretty much it. I'm so glad that Mr. Hyzenthlay and I eloped. No fuss, no expense (beyond a present for the judge, who seriously didn't seem like she had expected one, and of course the license), and we walked out married past all these folks

Diane oopsed her husband to get her kids. Diane cheats on him too, and will take him for everything he's worth once she decides to divorce him. Diane goes to tanning salons way too much. Diane cares more about her mani-pedi appointment than she does about her kids' PTA meetings. Diane watches a lot of reality TV.