
Foxywingchick, if you're going to be that helpful, it wouldn't matter to me if you were a year late! That's an awesome idea—I'd tried KnitPicks but hadn't seen it there, but Ravelry sounds like it's more complete. Thank you!

The Roman Catholic Church started this culture war decades ago, and I've got to think they did it because they fully expected to win. When they got evangelicals in bed with them on the abortion issue and made the issue a political platform, I'm sure their leaders thought this thing was a done deal. But the shocking,

I would agree to an extent, though I'd be careful to mention that it's not Christianity itself being mocked but a particular variant of it that has become all too powerful and influential over the last few decades. HL's leaders are using their absolutely foul version of right-wing punitive, ignorance-celebrating,

The whole religion is very quickly becoming known more for what it is against than what it is for. And there is a reason for that—its more extreme elements are, I think, reactions against what they perceive as us mean ole evil feminazis and heathens who TOOK IT ALL AWAY FROM THEM when everything had just gotten

I feel like a thick layer of stormclouds just parted and showed me a mountain waterfall filled with colorful birds. What amazing ideas! Thank you. <3 I really liked how this color worked—it was a sort of very brushed dark red tweed thing that I was striping with a Homespun purple-tweed thing, but really nothing says I

I may have to set foot in a Hobby Lobby soon to figure out what brand and color-name of yarn this is that I'm now totally out of and saved the wrong label from. This is just crazy. But I'm not giving those misogynists a penny of my money. I'll switch to another color first. You watch. I'll do it. It'll be my "This Is

Your human sounds very smart. I should probably be counting my blessings that they don't care at all about people food. Last night Mr. Hyzenthlay and I left the table to hibernate for a couple of hours and didn't have to worry about anything getting thiefed.

Yeah, but now I've got a package of giblets all simmered and ready to put into gravy in my fridge that I'm going to give them anyway, and they won't eat it and it'll just get tossed out. They go up to the bowl like they're expecting it to perhaps hold food, then pause, stare at it in utter confusion, look up at me

Thieving Bumblecats, anyway ;)

Well. My husband got really shirty about me taking a photo of the holiday spread, but it came out very well. I was in shock—I made rolls and forgot they need a third and fourth rise (they're "Rustic Country Dinner Rolls" from Cook's Illustrated and I clearly botched my roll vs. reading comprehension) but everything

Looks fine to me. :)

Deffies. I buy bulk porcini mushrooms online by the pound and keep 'em in the big freezer just for when the mood hits for mushroom gravy. (Crazy how much cheaper it works out by the ounce to do it that way rather than buy the teeny weeny baglets at the grocery store.)

I completely agree. Holiday dishes are always neat to me—why people pick what they do, why some things stay on the plate even long after they're convenient or better-tasting than other things, it's just fascinating.

That's my preference as well. They don't need very much, really! If someone else likes them that way, that's fine, more for them, right?

Oh my, no, I'm so sorry for possibly sounding misleading, but I have not had the privilege of serving my country like that. I meant the Turkey Offensive was in the early phases of deployment, not me myself. Sorry for giving the wrong impression, and I join you in thanking those who do serve their countries on this day

See, that's why I always, always, always make a few extra.

I love you folks, Jezzies. Eating my delicious salad of lettuce, apples, walnuts, homemade croutons, and apple cider vinaigrette while I wait for the bread rolls to rise and it smells delicious in here with the turkey roasting. So happy.

Thank you for writing this reply and explaining a little even though you did not owe anybody any explanations. It doesn't take much investigation to find out how deeply Mormonism is ingrained into its adherents' lives, even adherents who aren't totally on board with the program. I was Pentecostal and experienced

Well this is weirdly relevant: Artifice does "sister wife" fetishized Mormon polygamous-wife outfits. I have now officially seen it all.

This cat is going to grow up to be one of those deeply "concerned" kitties who is very concerned and worried about everything going on around him. And he will be just wonderful. I have one who squeaked like that as a kitten and wore the same expression, and now he's just the most adorable, affectionate, huge