And her dickhead husband's whole choking-his-wife and calling it a friendly little tiff? That's not anything like coke users ever do. Ever.
And her dickhead husband's whole choking-his-wife and calling it a friendly little tiff? That's not anything like coke users ever do. Ever.
In the case of something that bad, I'd be starting at a dermatologist's office.
I keep thinking about that gaping hole in her back and the tissue damage they did digging and digging at that poor lady's skin, pushing around the site, yanking at it like that. Looks like a great way to get something impacted and infected really nice and deep-like, get 'er done right. And with nothing in that hole,…
nope, nope nope nope nope, not clicking, not doing it
I think we've got some serious fodder for the Icke enthusiasts. If that isn't an Illuminati microchip, I don't fucking know anymore.
Tomorrow I'm making a salad with sliced apples, walnuts, dried cherries, and a walnut oil and apple-cider vinaigrette. I'm all but salivating thinking about it. Nowhere in town had the frisee lettuce I like to go with it (yes, it's from a cooking magazine from some years ago), but I'll make do somehow. There'll be…
I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences. I'm so sorry.
When I was a newlywed I had no idea how to cook, but I was a fundie preacher's wife and cooking was part of the job (not like he was gonna do it) so I hunkered down and did the best I could.
Best. Mom. Fuckin'. EVER. What a sweet lady. My mom and her would have been such great friends; she was a "thrill of the chase" person too and loved shopping and finding good deals, and she showed love in similar ways. You've made me so happy tonight by sharing this thing about your mom. Thank you.
This video is very sweet, but it's kinda a Cult of Motherhood piece in essence, isn't it? In between each shot of that baby gurgling or cooing or sleeping or crying or giggling, there are 23.9 days' worth of sleep deprivation, financial uproar, fights over gender disparity in workload, body fluid clean-up, and a…
When I worked in a call center, it'd break my heart when black men would fall all over themselves with the "sirs" and "ma'ams." (I have a newscaster's non-accent and have been told more than once that I sound like Kathleen Turner, so I know I sound fairly "white"). When we reviewed calls, sometimes we'd trace a call…
Jesus fucking christ. The real miracle is that there hasn't been a revolution yet. I can't even imagine how brutally grueling it must be to endure that kind of institutionalized bigotry day in and day out every goddamned day of my life. I'm a white woman, and being a woman ain't easy, but holy shit, at least I've…
Back in my day, all the cool girls wanted Harrison Ford as their imaginary boyfriend. Oh sure, some girls went for Luke, but they were idiots.
It's like "Roman Holiday" in reverse: an insufferable, unbelievably famous pop dicklet roams around Rome pointing at stuff and jetting around his unknown girlfriends.
Not shown: him pissing into the housekeeper's bucket on his way in to servicing all these girls and pointing meaningfully at stuff.
I'm glad to see women who are comfortable in their bodies and not hating themselves. It doesn't matter how big or small someone is—our culture has ways of making every woman feel terrible about what she looks like naked (all to sell us something or make someone feel superior to us). And if a product is being marketed…
"Career feminists"? Oh my LOL. Okay, dude.
I totally don't get the connection between what I wrote—which is that MRAs often say that feminists don't care about male sexual assault victims—and the possible motivation for this piece getting written. But different things speak to different people in different ways. If there was an earlier article along those…