"No, you don't understand. We want what you were eating. Not this. You pulled a switch on us. We know. Nobody'd ever eat this."
"No, you don't understand. We want what you were eating. Not this. You pulled a switch on us. We know. Nobody'd ever eat this."
Considering how much bang for the buck a cat is, pound for pound, I'm not sure I'd take him up on that challenge either.
I'm imagining the look you got. "Mommy, what did you do to deserve this? Whatever it was, it must have been real bad."
Eh.. some are, some aren't. I had one cat who loved milk and ice cream, but if she got any, there'd be an atrocity in the litter box later. I've had other cats who could deal with it in small amounts. But you're right, people still think that all cats = lactose intolerant.
What do you mean?
Let's keep voting and being loud then! I'm with ya.
I think it's kinda cool that young women aren't scared of the F-word. I'm used to women (and men) in their 30s doing everything they can to distance themselves from the word "feminist." "I'm all for equality.." "I vote for women's rights.." "I believe women own their bodies totally.." and then you wait for it and…
I'm so, so glad I'm not the only person who thought that.
I've already got plenty of outrage. I read the news here. How many people d'you suppose have been galvanized by the GOP's antics over the last year or so and are now passionate, informed voters? How many people are so outraged over what Idaho lawmakers are up to lately that they've gone from apathetic to…
Because parents don't want to do *anything* that they think might make their kids have unapproved sex. If they keep it scary and unreasonably risky and burdensome, that might just stop the little shits from having it. Can't have 'em having sex. Death is an all too appropriate penalty for slutting around.
Parents need to know: even if their kid is a perfect saint who never has sex with anybody but his or her married partner, s/he can still get HPV from a cheating partner—or be sexually assaulted by someone who infects them with HPV. I'd lay dollars—a lot of dollars, if I had a lot of dollars—that my mother only had sex…
I'm really glad your friend's cancer is in remission. I'm also really glad that you (and presumably your friend) now know that her cancer did not come from the vaccine.
My mother died of uterine cancer ten years ago—very likely brought on by HPV, since there is no history of cancer in my family and also as her first husband was wildly promiscuous and gave her a couple of STDs like gonorrhea. That's a nasty, horrible, evil, fucking awful way to go, cancer.
I think you nailed it—they've made cooking into less of an everyday get-dinner-on-the-table task and more of this exotic adventure. Their pristine pergraniteel kitchens are not sullied by simple scrambled eggs, I'm certain of that! I suspect you and I are of an age and I'm sure if there was a dad around your house, he…
It's about rich-white-people guilt. It's part of the Mommy Wars. Maybe this is my non-NYC perspective, but it seems like New York 1% mommies are especially nasty and ruthless in waging that war. They just want to give their kids the best possible upbringing, and they've got the money to do it—but this is uncharted…
As long as you were up-front with what the tasks would be and reality matches your description of the job, and you're paying her fairly, I've got nothing to snark here. I'm all for hiring help, be it for yardcare or childcare. One of my best friends was a very well-compensated nanny for a DC political family—it really…
Oh, but it's okay because he's got the Guy Fieri haircut and he knows how to talk to young people. He has the exact same attitude the older misogynistic right-wing rape-culture-pushing Christians have, so they're happy, and he can get kids all riled up and excited in youth ministry meetings, so the kids are happy too.…
Probably not, but even if Idahoans had known, chances are they wouldn't have cared much. It was a long time ago and pretty much everybody in our elected houses is either a major major fundie or else a die-hard Mormon—so they're all into that power of redemption bullshit. Boise is gorgeous, Idaho is beautiful, the arts…
Idaho: Come on down, we don't mind rapists here at all.