
Color me shocked. Hobby Lobby is deeply misogynistic. Why not anti-Semitic? I'm just surprised racism hasn't entered the mix.

My mom was about as open-minded as someone of her generation could possibly be. But I converted to a rather toxic flavor of Christianity in my teens and became a bigot and sexist for a while before waking up. It can happen. It's also worth mentioning that my grandmother had been rather the opposite in her youth; she'd

My now-husband and I put off getting married for years because we each had serious legal things to sort out that marriage would have complicated. He wanted to call us affianced, but I resisted as he hadn't formally asked yet. But yeah, "boyfriend" felt so high school. We were in our 30s, pushing 40. We'd each been

There isn't enough booze in the world to make the idea of that guy between my legs okay. He reminds me very uncomfortably of Lord Rexington Fear.

Yeah, I got the same "deeply horrible in bed" impression from what he said. I wonder if he knows that orgasms can sprout from other sources than his oh so very magical penis?

I admit, it's just so weird to hear a modern person using that term. "Chicks" seems as archaic to me as "dames" and "broads." If that's how people in "the biz" talk about women, I guess it stop surprising me to hear about how deeply sexist the industry is in general. Think if we give 'em another 30 years they'll have

Wild Turkey is that guy you hook up with and afterwards have no idea why you felt attracted. Is it the kind-of-whiny Southern accent? The sob story he tells? The way his hangdog puppydog eyes soulfully watch you? How he wears his plaid shirt rolled up to the elbows? Whatever it is, the next day you discover his

I'm still not sure how I taught my cat to get down. It probably took a few years. It wasn't till a friend noticed me telling her "Down!" and seeing the cat respond by leaping down off whatever it was she was on that I even realized I'd taught her to do it. I suspect I just said it whenever I ruffled and tumped her off

Yes, while eating yogurt and orgasming over our newfound regularity.

You do realize that censorship generally applies to the government and not to private businesses, right? Nobody's saying these sexists can't say whatever they want. But they do not have the right to get published, nor do they have the right to force or strong-arm private bookstores to sell their books or display them.

I wonder if he realizes he lives in Austin, Texas? Because his laundry list of control-freak dislikes sounds like pretty much everyone I ever knew there. From the sound of it, his ex-GF had the good sense to dump him some years ago, and he's been unable to find a perfect "girl" since so is resorting to a hand-written

I wonder how many women fit his list fairly closely, like I generally do (except I'm not a "girl," as this 39-year-old baby insists on calling women), but don't have the time of day to give to whiny, entitled, racist, vain, pretentious, sexist, double-standard-toting man-children bear-pigs like him? Any woman who

I saw Justin Bieber doing it a while ago and thought it was weird that he pulls the same weird face in every single photo he's in—slackjawed and eyebrows raised to ceiling height. Now it seems like it's showing up everywhere. Of all the goofy, smarmy-git expressions young men could choose for their version of

So beautiful, so wonderful. Congratulations to those who have gained the right to marry the people they love.

Oh my gosh that is so sweet. I wish them all the best.

DrNerdLove, just wanted to say thank you for having that site. I love it and I've been stalking it for some time.

Don't underestimate MRA stupidity. These are self-obsessed whiners who are absolutely convinced that for their privilege to remain intact, they must silence women at all costs. They are egocentric and utterly persuaded that their lack of success in life has come about because women got just a teeny bit ahead and their

Don't it make you wonder just a little about how he'd feel about his own daughter, sister, or mother saying that stuff and being threatened like that? Would he be outraged at the undignified, disgusting display, or is he such an extremist fundamentalist for the Holy Cause of Men's Rights that, like all extremist

Is there a woman complaining about patriarchy, rape culture, and inequality?

This list of increasingly weird and convoluted requests sounds an awful lot like he's demanding a woman put herself last and kowtow to him and do all this amazing stuff for him, but it doesn't sound like he's going to be doing that back for her. She exists to make his life awesome and relaxed, but what does she get