
Wha... Huh? Did you miss what this article was about?

Wha... Huh? Did you miss what this article was about?

Yep, that shot is the biggest give-away that this is ALL staged.

Such terrible editing. And mostly fake, since they apparently don't want to show an entire play in real time.

Umm.. What?

How did the design peak with the 4S, when the 4 had the same design - a year earlier? :-)

So... The owner no longer believes in the apocalypse, or wants to face the apocalypse in a more affordable way? :-)

Restoring full functionality seems exceedingly unlikely.

"but it is a shame Apple couldn't set aside their legendary hubris and just provide customers with a way to use flash drives or other USB devices directly."

...Until we get tons of delays at runways where some engines have a hard time starting (either because they are broken or are just plain old), which will delay all airliners in line behind it. There's a reason why engines are started at the gate - no need to taxi back if maintenance is needed.

Now playing

This is not new... Nor is it the cheapest.

The "explosive landing" is indeed standard procedure... The capsule has solid rocket engines lining the capsule that fire just before impact to soften the landing. THIS IS NORMAL.

Yes, but to nitpick you, the spectrum (or wavelength) of light has nothing to do with the intensity of said light at a specified wavelength.

Now playing

This won't go to orbit... but halfway there. This is a prototype of a reusable 1st stage. The 2nd stage will take it the rest of the way.

You keep using the word "self-aware"... I don't think it means what you think it means.

Most of the shots have 3D projection... Do you really think that that galaxy rotated quick enough for us to see multiple angles? No - that shot (and most of the Saturn ring shots) use 3D projection, very similar to how you would convert a 2D film into 3D in post-production. (except here the camera flies through the

"THIS IS REAL" - No, it is not. These are photos tweaked through 3D projection. (i.e. VFX)

That dragon is growing rather quickly...

Try this link instead: http://www.spacex.com/multimedia/videos.php?id=0

Such a wide capsule shape would be optimal of descent, but not for ascent. This is an early prototype for a reusable launch vehicle, and such a wide launch vehicle would have a lot of drag.