
It is the turbopump (that pumps fuel into the engine) exhaust - some rocket engines feed it back into the main exhaust, others vent it to the side. Not a hige difference as it provides minimal thrust.


Don't act like the "Harmon" era was uniformly good either. The show has always been uneven, no matter what rose colored glasses one views it with.

Downcast... I'm a huge fan of it.

Only someone who NEVER USES THEIR PHONE AS A PHONE would recommend a wallet-style case like this.

... And also its worst. It is a gripping read, and while it is impressive that they lasted this long, they were on a clear downward trend. No tools, no support.

If only regular texting was a reliable as iMessage. Seriously, the problems with iMessage are way overblown. But that would take some actual research instead of meme-hunting, and we couldn't have that now, could we, Gizmodo?

You don't see the humor? It will be a crap product... Thus the 'threat' of them unleashing a phone/tablet hybrid that will be good at neither.

You frequently fly out of SFO, yet never have problems with United? I find that hard to believe. SFO has a history of weather related delays, and United crap service when dealing with this is well known.

It looks useful - if there was no wind to blow it anywhere.

One word. Portrait mode.

Yep, because nobody actually like iPads. Right.

But just like FOTR showed us glimpses of 'Minas Tirith' when we did not get there until book 3, this might show us a quick glimpse of Smaug doing something else.

"Maybe you should get a far more durable Galaxy SIII or Lumia 920 if you're worried about cosmetic longevity. "