
hey now, shitty noise bands would appreciate not being lumped in with staind, thank you very much.

Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Leigh Alexander wasn't talking about you. Hell, she wasn't talking about me (the cis-gendered heteroish white male in our current back and forth).

She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket

Setting yourself up as an unfairly demonized victim also helps, since every criticism levied at them can be dismissed as part of the martyr complex. "They're taking us down in the media because they're scared! They're the ENEMY anyway, so we know they're scared and we're winning!" Yeesh. I hope this passes soon. It

Great question. A horrible attempt at rationalizing a movement I don't agree with, I suppose? I saw someone post it in the comments section earlier in the week and thought "Oh, god. Way to try to paint yourself as the reasonable, strong, good-intentioned ones and everyone else as irrational and self-serving...."

Speaking of gamergate and webcomics, guess who made a new comic?!

Sam wasn't too bad in Conviction. I mean, he just found out his daughter was alive and they were hiding it from him, I'd be pretty pissed. But his script was pretty lousy, never really going in to the whole "oh shit my daughter's actually alive, it's a miracle" kind of thing, and upon saving her it just kinda drops it

Now playing

Not sure my favorite overall but this recent one was just so insane. I thought it was brilliant. I've rewatched it a bunch of times and it just keeps getting better and better. I love crazy out-there things and this is just perfect.

Dude, don't give them a pass for being "honest". To me they really look down us, like we are dumb sheep or something that are under their fingertip. Zero respect to their own consumer, to the point they can bluntly say it their messed intention out loud.

I read that comic in a Scouse accent. It was unintentional, it just happened.

I have a wife, a daughter, a full time museum job, named a new species of dolphin, and have a full pokédex.

I just went from having zero interest in this game to wanting to play it. Well done.

What a very interesting opinion to hold, considering that you seem to have initiated said silly debate.

I'm sorry, and forgive me if this is blunt, but that's just incorrect.

Me and a friend tried playing with the wiimotes recently. We almost vomited.

I have this entire collection of screenshots of Shane looking like a doof. I'm convinced it's the sort of thing that only I think is funny, but, here:

I agree. I don't think there is enough information here to really learn whether or not she's attempted conversations with her friend about racism. If they are both white, then it's possible they just don't talk about race at all, since so many white people think that talking about race is actually what causes racism

In my experience, it depends on how the individual responds when I tell them they've crossed a line or been insensitive. If they thoughtfully consider my position, even if they disagree, I am willing to continue to be their friend and hope I am a good influence on them. If they get unnecessarily defensive, laugh at

Ugh, that video again. The guy's complaint boils down to "I don't like reading about social problems that don't directly affect me, gaming journalism is corrupt, wah wah wah." Give me a break.

I was just thinking what this thread needs is a discussion about Israel among people who know next to nothing about it.

This is worded so strangely, and the more times I read it the funnier it becomes.