
Falcon is one of the first black superheroes to rise to prominence in comics. He had his own identity, his own history, and more importantly was his own hero. By making him the new Captain America they are negating that. They are overshadowing his accomplishments as a original black hero. Now in pop culture he just

Here's the problem with the "homogenous" argument: no one ever explains why that is the case, and it is also wrong. Not everybody in Finland is a Fin, and not every Fin is on the same page with the other, and there is a substantial amount of minorities in the country, from the Middle East and from Eastern European

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

I think people who hate the 4th in this series and still paid to see it should have known better.

Out of the frame, there is a kid watching his dad taken away by a tornado. Helpless. Screaming in agony. And the Man of Steel is watching. Unable to move. Crippled by the teachings of his mortal father. "Why do you scream?" thinks Clark. "That's what dads do."

It doesn't take a lot of effort to perceive it as an insult or a dismissal of someones emotional state. I'm saying that it actually IS. Just not something the person saying it would realize that they are doing.

It's because of misattribution of memory—a cognitive bias where we don't remember specific source memory, but rather the gist of it, or other similar memories. We (late 80's / early 90s babies) remember VHS, and we remember tracking artifacts, but we don't remember the specific occurrence of them on one video.

What order do boob nuns belong to? Carmelite? Ursuline?

I realize this was not the point of the comic but out of context it was like... this person was stuck in a marketing hell and instead of just... going outside and walking in the woods... the escape was going into a simulation of going outside and walking in the woods in one of the less repellent corners of the

Got it. So how else, in this sort of context (Hardline), might you rack up points?

I ponder, do people still use that meme-dude because they think it's still funny and brand new, or is it like having ticks, compulsory behavior?

There is no Wadaisy

I took it not as Gugu excusing Don's mindset but rather as another analysis of his mindset. But could just be me. Either way, Donald is, evolutionarily speaking, behind the curve because given this viewpoint, he doesn't realize that it's actually disadvantageous to be blatantly racist in this day and age. Also, I do realize that you're effectively making Wizminkey's point for him (or her, as the case may be), right?

There is a difference between shitting on your buddies and shitting on a war in general. Its a very American attitude to service to lump the war and the people who fought it into one category. You let politicians and the media train you into associating the two concepts so you don't criticise them and feel contempt

You are missing the point and turning it into a strawman.

The Path is a poor game and has a poorer message, but I don't get to decide what is and isn't okay, just as I wouldn't want someone to decide what was okay for me to see and play. If someone wants to play it, that's fine, and since I believe people are responsible for what they do with themselves, I don't believe we