
The bible technically forbids a whole great deal of things that seem to be happily ignored by technically pious people, including mixing meat and diary (Exodus 23:19), working on a Sunday (Exodus 20:10), and wearing clothing made for more than one type of cloth (Leviticus 19:19). In fact, the Bible-as-dogma attitude

people are the excuse for people to hate each other. Plenty of secular countries have committed plenty of atrocities in the name of some other ideal. Religion is just the narrative; remove it, and people will find another way to achieve their bloodlust

People can also use personal interpretations of God to change their boundaries of good/evil, and, indeed, often have. The Christian religion’s varying degrees of accepting/rejecting homosexuality is a good example of this. The Westboro Baptist Church would be a fantastic example of a group that use their

i sort of find it hilarious that Super Street Fighter II’s rendition of the Cabañas Cultural Institute is so well recreated and yet its the stage for a character who’s supposed to be a rather crude Native American stereotype who’s also supposed to be Mexican

I don’t really understand the trans experience, because I’m not, but I do recognise that they’re one of the more marginalised groups around, and a demographic that’s still, very consistently, used as a punchline. If a trans person tells me that X has continued to make them feel profoundly shitty and ostracised, I feel

I’m a big fan of dark humour, actually. Chris Morris’ Jam is probably one of my favourite things. But, my point was, with both this and the other thing I wrote at Jakesnakewalker while I was drunk as hell last night, is that there is a difference between humour that has dark themes, and humour that parades itself as

i sort of imagine you to be the kind of hideous piece of shit that, if having managed to bed anyone to begin with, that any lover you had killed themselves from shame the moment the drugs wore off

The slope isn’t that slippery. We’ve already managed to make racist humour unacceptable, and yet, other kinds of jokes still exist. Funny jokes will still exist even after we stop engaging with transmisogyny. In fact, jokes, generally, that don’t shit on minority groups are more plentiful and funnier. Your argument is

Second vote goes to Dynamite Headdy

nah. Goku’s crap

probably because valve isn't interested in churning out games with basic templates and crap filler, like fast food

Yeah. Although i have to admit that seeing people act shortsighted, self-centred and downright rude about their opinions is very much something I have come to expect from video game forums and comments sections. I am a bit taken aback that my request to let people enjoy the thing they enjoy has been met with

False equivalency. Glitched runs are a specific and difficult thing to do, celebrated in a ranking system that allows for it. Entering a glitched run into a no-glitch world record listing would be analogous to what you're saying here. If there was a separate ranking for world free-throw record that was specifically

*sweeps in*

your retort is schoolyard level, and as a bonus, doesn't actually make any sense

I only heard this argument about journalistic balance after I called out several people for coming here and disputing the authenticity of these runs. And even then, journalistic balance is a flappy term, better saved for discussing the morality of proxy wars than it is for discussing a journalist's personal taste in

i doubt there's a single glitch-speedrunner alive who hasn't already completed his chosen game legitimately at least once. Most have probably done it several many times over.

Your mistake here is assuming that people (or myself) are speedrunning these games as soon as they buy them, doing them on their first go. It's the opposite. I tend not to watch speedruns of games I don't know well already. I like seeing my favourite games broken apart and raced through because it gives me fascinating

No, I'm arguing the opposite, that people shouldn't come here and shit on other people's tastes just because they don't like it. Not liking something and keeping it to yourself is fine. If I went to an IO9 Game of Thrones post and talked about how trite I think the show is, well, I'd be being a dick.