
Because we’re a company made up of different sites that are staffed by individual human beings that do not always see eye to eye?

No no no no NO!!!

First of all, companies already take stuff out of things because it offends people all the time and it really doesn’t hurt anything. As much as people complain about this stuff being the end of the world, what was so bad about what happened here? People complained, the company took notice and changed one tiny thing,

All these comments are certainly depressing.

Must have been awful when DK started clapping.

I don't know what to think of the fact that you just announced to Kotaku's readership that you have a three-strikes policy regarding reviews that go against your personal opinion... That's a whole new level of I'm not even sure what.

Exactly. It sounds good to me. It sounds like a silly cartoon. That's what I would expect.

Paul Robertson? Insta-Like!


Because the people bitching either A. Have no clue what they're talking about, B. Refuse to ignore the numerous categories of speedruns out there in order to justify their narrative, or C. Use terrible analogies in conjunction with B to make even shittier arguments.

I think at this point most of the comments you're referring to come from people that don't spend that much time on Kotaku. They probably saw other articles about speedrunning and never read them because it wasn't a game they liked. Then they see a world record for their favorite game so they click on it. They are

Dang casual elitists eh? "Play the way we think is right" lol.


A speedrun is a play-through (or a recording thereof) of a video game performed with the intent of completing it as fast as possible. That is the definition of a speed run. A glitch is different than a cheat. The definition of a glitch is a sudden malfunction or irregularity of equipment. Cheat is a button sequence

I see these as entertainment, not the freaking Olympics. I don't care if you 'won fair and square'. It's not like the speedrun community doesn't recognize glitched and non-glitched speedruns as separate world record times. (hint: it does) You just see glitched ones reported more often because they're simply more

I seriously don't understand why you think it's such a foreign concept. Do YOU have the time to intently watch a guy play 8 hours of Ocarina of Time? Because that's the kind of playtime you're looking at for someone who doesn't glitch the game. For every moment of incredible timing, skill or just plain interesting

inb4 hundreds of people commenting not realising that there are different categories of speedrunning, and subsequently complain about using glitches in an any% run.

No, it wasn't meant to be a statement of intimidation. Rather it was a bit of sadness that someone might be upset at my.. Hmm, let's say ignorance.