
Not that I care about baseball, but if I hacked MLB’s Twitter I’d probably report Derek Jeter (or Mariano Rivera) both admitted longtime PED use, and have subsequently renounced their HOF status. Just to BREAK BRAINS.

“The Washington Redskins are on indefinite hiatus until they change the name of the team.”

Don't worry. Goodell has already suspended the account.

When I was a kid in little league, there was a mom that would yell, “Make the bat hit the ball.” Every time someone from our team was up to bat. Every. Time. There was also the time we were playing somewhere and behind the outfield fence was an actual pasture with cattle in it and she started yelling, “Hit the cow!” I

Same contractors designed stadiums in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook

Roger Goodell: [is constantly abused by fans of other 31 NFL teams]

Sadly, the guy in that video doesn’t even know that his wife is sleeping with his best friend.

Man, you guys seem really eager to toss Dellavedova under the bus today, and all because he had the temerity to give some Amish kids a few cans of Yuengling.

Almost as awful as the jerseys is the continued insistence on using a state as their location name, even though there’s another team in their home state.

Butler over Duke. Hands down no question.

Much like your city, the video has been disabled and is better viewed from elsewhere.

Howard Ends, Ranked

Privately financing probably required the team to take on some debt obligations through bonds. And, as everyone knows, when you bring in bonds, there’s a chance you’ll see some inflated numbers.

In a statistical oddity, his WAR has been 2.0 every season for the last 70 years.

He’s worth a look as an eighth-inning guy.

Goes to show you that some companies will do the least amount of work they can legally get away with.

Slow your roll there a little. I think he is talking about human nature and how a talented PR person can write poll questions to get the results they want and take advantage of it. Not his personal feelings on whether “Redskins” is offensive.

The Atlanta Braves have axed Fredi González.

I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”

I assume we’re judging all of these dishes at their tastiest, no?