
He got off lucky. No one was there to see it.

They’re now the best looking team in their rec league.

Philly fans might eat him alive if he gets smoked by Terrance Williams.

Sounds like Peterson wants a switch.

Doormat salesman is pretty much on point for the 49ers head coach.

Cocksucking Monkey nailed it.

Seems rude to write to me.

This is accurate

Dear America -

God Bless America!

Damn, to think if he had seen the way Buffalo played yesterday his depression would’ve subsided until at least early October.

Who got dementia first, Coughlin or Eli?

At least when Lions’ fans show their ass, there’s someone to eat it.

The trainer then fell down and knocked his helmet off, which would be funny were it not involving a possibly injured head.

Peaky Blinders could’ve been good. It’s not.

Their jerseys look like they belong in one of those fictional football leagues from movies.

Any good recent horror films?

Any good recommendations?

Any recommendations for Netflix?