Just a few I can remember this early in the morning. Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Fucking Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman.
Just a few I can remember this early in the morning. Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Fucking Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman.
I'm not striking those people down. I'm striking down those people whose ONLY source of feminism knowledge comes from tumblr. Meaning they don't delve further by researching themselves.
This is what I think of people who don't go to college but get all of their education about feminism on tumblr. I mean, it's good that people know a little about it. But what they're learning from tumblr is super diluted. They're not reading people like bell hooks and they're not reading Angela Davis. Anyone think the…
Believe what you want Van Gogh but what you do is no different than what a scribbler does. Just because somewhere is there with a museum with your drawing,doesn't make you Da Vinci at Le Louvre.
I remember Orval Faubus, the governor of Arkansas during the Little Rock Nine, supreme douche of the time, said the most generic I'm not a racist thing ever. Before he died in the 90s, he said he thought he was doing the right thing because his black friend told him it was a good idea. Fuck Faubus.
Japan does weirder things. This is pretty tame.
Stupid question, but how come vagina depth is never factored in? Surely there's going to be a point where a penis is too much.
To be fair, I don't think having female directors can save the show. It can maybe stand against it for a while, but ehhhhhhhhh.
Yep. That sounds like me. I fucking love bitching about shit without wanting a solution.
The US is known for having periods of wanting migrant labor and periods of pushing it away (in hard times.) For example, the two off the top of my head are the Bracero Program in the 40s to 60s where the US wanted migrants from Mexico to come over. But then we also have Operation Gatekeeper where we beefed up security…
"They're also building a 700 mile fence along the US-Mexico border, because if we're gonna do this immigration thing, let's do it the safe way: with a fence ribbed for America's pleasure."
The thing about it is that it's not safe. At all. At least for undocumented immigrants. We've already seen that because of…
I fucking hate Deadspin comments because it's always some asshole trying to make some shitty sports joke about someone's death.
That really, really makes me happy.
C-can we help them get that cool biker gang to protect them and guard them? I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to some teenage shitheads getting the shit beat out of them for vandalizing, spray-painting, and harassing innocent, defenseless people. Yes? Yes?
I honestly think Ken is the show's moral compass. He is the only person who doesn't do well... shitty things. That's not to say Ken in the first few seasons was different. He's changed now, and it's a good change.
Pit bulls are so incredibly loving. My 7 year old cousin has a 3 year old pit bull and calls the pit bull her little sister. The pit bull is never loud and has never growled at anyone. It even knows how to act around really small children.
Did you also read A Modest Proposal and think it's about eating babies?
I discussed my problems last night, but I won't go into it. But basically, I told her it was best for me to stop talking her for a while so we could remain friends in the future, so what was happening now won't permanently hurt us. To those who kept being friends with exes, the ones you wanted to get back together at…