I love this so fucking much. Going to buy it the day it comes out.
I love this so fucking much. Going to buy it the day it comes out.
I'm a huge Spidey fan and I don't give a fuck what they make him. As long as they keep his core values, have be witty and funny, that's all that matters.
Fucking animals. I don't see how anyone can say rape culture doesn't exist. Ugh.
Fucking uncanny valley.
Oh. Then yeah. A lot of other companies make it. Go to your Asian grocer and you'll find tons of different brands.
Sriracha is a type of hot sauce, Rooster is a brand that sells it.
Holy shit, calm your tits. I'm ust saying I don't think it's racist. There are a lot of scenes that are unsettling, and there are ways that the show could better in writing the story, but really, I think it's a great example of exploring character weakness. One of the characters, Saul, a Jewish man verbally beatdown a…
I don't think it's racist. I mean. You're obviously not going to watch it.
Perhaps you should study the differences between British media and American media. I'm sure you'll find something. =]
Oh, I should have stayed in context. Sorry!
Well, I'm still studying this, so bear with me, but men have this dichotomy of being overbearing brutes but also being emasculated wimps. Asian women are usually the sexy token in media... Ahh, someone can explain this better than me.
I was reeeeeeeeeeeally expecting something that was more messed up. NOPE.
My friend told me to join Tinder when I was in a slump a few weeks ago. I asked him if he used it and he replied with, "Yeah, I've gotten laid tons of times with it, try it out!" (Background: my friend is a dudebro, but he's one of the rare good ones.) He then said I might meet my wife on there. I don't know why, but…
Da Vinci's Demons too. At least it's equal with male and female nudity. Almost.
So what are the chances of her being not white?
I think it's perfectly fine to shame ignorant people. They have to learn to be more tolerating towards people. I will never accept "WHY DON'T YOU TOLERATE MY INTOLERANCE, IT'S WHO I AM." as a refute towards common human decency.
I agree. It's not a well written show at all. It's not clever, it's not funny and it steals so many jokes from other shows. It's also incredibly racist but plays it off as cute and light.
Not looking like you're "supposed" to look is painful. I'm full Vietnamese and it's pretty obvious I don't look like it. People have told me I look Mexican, Indian, Arab, and Cuban. I've had racial slurs thrown at me that weren't Asian based. I've had Vietnamese people tell me that I can't be Vietnamese. That I must…
"I mean—blitz. Fucked up this door, I mean fucked this fucking door up. The emotion was going so long after the fucking actual scene was ended that everyone sat in silence. Indira was in fucking tears; I was in tears.”
These are so interesting, omg.