
Thank you both, I appreciate it. And no, I've told her that this is the best for us. If it means we're not going to have any big bumps like this in the future, then I can suffer this one right now. I've told her that she should focus on herself right now and to be completely selfish with what she wants and needs

I'm not in any position to give advice, but I think you're a very courageous person to do all of this. Is there any law enforcement that may help you? Or someone big that can be around you at all times?

I think it actually got canceled. =[

Hey guys, I have a complex problem. I'm a guy and my girlfriend and I broke up about four months ago. She had some doubts she couldn't figure out and thought that if she continued on with it, it would lead to us falling out permanently. Well, we broke up mutually. She's pansexual and we realized two months in the

Cape comics are incredibly whitewashed. Sure, there's Luke Cage and a few others, but it's so few. I'm Asian and I grew up reading comics, but it's so difficult to grow attached to any Asian cape because they're either caricatures or the publishers just forget about them.

No, Ron Swanson is the man's man.

This looks really good!

This article is just full of pretentiousness. There is nothing wrong with advocating for labor rights. Maybe he is a slimy man like the one you paint of him, but in the end he is advocating for better labor rights. This is so much better than anyone actually defending and reinforcing these labor conditions. Overall, I

The guy makes up a lot of shit.

It's not surprising knowing that Japan still fucking has the Yakukuni Shrine. Fuck ultra-nationalistic Japanese. Actually, I take it back, fuck anyone that's ultra-nationalistic. Those people are despicable.

I used to work at Radio Shack and it's real fucking bullshit guys.

And as everyone knows, you complete pearl thongs with pearl necklaces!

"17000 anti-male films - Feminists are contented.

I'm sorry this makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry this story, whether it happened or not, makes you aware that white privilege and explicit racism still exists and does happen in the great United States of America.

I found this from another article.

How much do people drink on set? Also drugs.

Please do not speak for all immigrants. I was an immigrant myself and I'm not at all offended.

Undocumented immigrants. It is more accurate and is less dehumanizing.

Immigrant, citizen, guest worker, or service provider. People also overlook the fact that "illegal" immigrant is incredibly dehumanizing. No human is illegal.