
And to be fair to the xb1sx, it’s nice and thick, so the cat probably couldn’t knock it over.

I don’t know guys I think I know a president that Trumps them both.  See what I did there?

It’s a valiant effort to discredit Regan but here’s the thing.... you make the argument like it was Regan himself who was doing all of these nefarious things when, in reality he was suffering with Alzheimer’s throughout most of his presidential run. He wouldn’t have even been able to chair a meeting like that, much

Nah man they kind of suck.  99% of the comics revolve around obscure rpg stuff, which is fine if you are a hardcore rpg person, but the rest of us are left scratching our heads.  

Yup here’s the difference..... With a console you are guaranteed that games will play 100% at full fidelity for that generation.  With a pc it’s until the next graphics card comes out.  So yeah you’ll get that higher resolution or high frame rate.... for about a year.  

I want to give everyone a grim reminder.... Trump is not normal. He lacks any moral compass or sense of dignity. Bill Maher keeps brining up the “Gus” clause, which for the fact that the film he’s referencing is a million years old I’m going to call the “Air Bud” clause. How did a dog get on a basketball team? Well

Umm no they didn’t. Around 13% of Black men voted for trump. I’m assuming that’s the percentage of Black men that have some kind of head injury or mental illness that prevents them from understanding he’s a racist prick.

Here’s what I *think* is going to happen after Trump leaves office (kicking and screaming like a giant baby of course.) The more traditional republicans are going to be glad to be rid of him and are going to start a war over party control with the Trumpers. It’s a war that unfortunately they will probably lose. That

Why wouldn’t they cast Dave?  Not only is he probably the only man in Hollywood wide enough to realistically play a gears character, but unlike other musclebound actors he can actually act.

I don’t think it’s that, I think it’s the fact that he has a full head of hair.  As a fat, bald man I can attest to the fact that if you have a gut on you, and the glorious facial hair and side burns like Mario has, odds are you are bald.  Basically if you are that hairy you are usually older.  Nintendo insists that

Girl- “Will you marry me?”

*Sigh* People still don’t understand fpga. Fpga is still emulation, it’s just a lower level emulation. It WILL NOT perfectly simulate the turbo-duo. Why? Because the software (yes there is still software) that programs the fpga has to be written and since some chips on the duo are proprietary, just like every console

Nah man.... Robocop 2 is an excellent sequel. I think you are thinking about Robocop 3.  Also Rambo 2 is a passable sequel, again I think you mean Rambo 3.

Well what’s far more annoying is the fact that NRS doesn’t seem to care who will logically fit into the world of Mortal Kombat and they are beholden to their corporate overlords in regards to which characters they get. Freddy Kruger was the first guest character, but WB was pushing that god awful remake at the time,

Yeah this isn’t “new ps5 technology” it’s Sony trying to milk every last ounce out of the game by brining in more star power.  Something that the game really doesn’t need as it stands on it’s own.  

Those games will also be released on the ps4 and because they are launch titles, they most likely won’t look that much better on the ps5.  You buy a console when a game is coming out you want and it ISN’T available on other consoles. 

Here’s the deal..... this pick is going through and there’s nothing we can do about it. One of the proposed plans to fix it, assuming we get a democratic majority in the Senate of course, is to simply expand the court to hold additional judges and install liberal judges.

Susan Collins always says she won’t do something and then she bends over and does it. Graham is Trumps butt-buddy so that one isn’t happening. It’s been four years already... remember the lesson we have learned. There is no hope, hope is pointless. I might see Mitt Romney standing up to them in a completely pointless

Lol good luck with that.  Did you watch the impeachment trial?  Shame and consciences went out the window the second Trump was elected.

Yeah this never works. Democrats are individuals with individual ideals but Republicans always fall in line eventually since they are lemmings. They’ll get a new Justice in, but the house will expand the court next year to hold new justices and hopefully even everything out.... assuming Biden wins of course.