So its, “So long, Gary Bowser?”
I hate this. I’ve played Assassin’s Creed since Altair because the story was engaging and the gameplay was fun. I stuck with this series over the years because more and more games shifted to online play as primary play and playing online sucks because of trolls, cheaters, etc. Just let those of us who want to play a…
She’s quite possibly the most beautiful human being walking the earth. She could be wearing cardboard trousers and still look good.
Why shouldn’t a private company be able to enforce their own rules? The big orange dummy agreed to their TOS when he signed up for the service, he can damn well abide by them like the rest of us plebes have to. You have no right to free speech on someone else’s private platform.
Anyone who wants to abolish cops is an idiot. What people want is cops who protect and serve rather than punish and enslave..... and for all humans to be served and protected equally. This notion that protesters against cops must want no cops is absurd, and you know it.
all bodies are sexual. they are created by sex and their function is to create more bodies through sex before they become run down shells. we eat, we fuck, we die, in that order. we are animals, the dumbest of all animals.
I think you missed the part where she/masked vigilantes/the (very racially integrated) police are not necessarily better morally than white supremacists.
Unfortunately it’s not just a symbol, albeit one that the USA should not want to be associated with. It is doing real environmental damage right now and will do economic damage to those whose property is directly affected by it. All because Cheeto Benito is a delusional fuckstick whose sole talent is surrounding…
These aren’t sweaters. They are screen printed sweatshirts.
I’m not saying I’m in favor of piracy, but theft of physical goods really isn’t the same thing.
The details are great. The colors are wrong. The black rubber parts of the real costume were pure black while those on the model look dark grey. He also doesn’t have enough of the blue and purple highlights.
A terrible game?! Come say that to my face! 😡😤
Would that be possible? I mean, don't they change passwords all the time or something?
Not a total scam. A good rating means nothing, but a bad rating does. Companies that take their reputation seriously don't allow a bad BBB rating to persist.
Still overpriced as hell. If I'm paying that much, you better believe I'm going to go with a better brand.
Still overpriced as hell. If I'm paying that much, you better believe I'm going to go with a better brand.
That other video was straight BS. Batman always wins. Always.
"Am I the only person who couldn't give a shit about these Batman games?"