
I think it’s cute that you think Europe is still relevant. Then again if this wave of xenophobia and racism keeps up America isn’t going to be relevant much longer either. What makes us great is that we absorb the cool parts of other cultures as immigrants bring it along and ignore all the lame stuff. That’s what

Iron Fist is awesome... deal with it! If anything I don’t understand why Jessica Jones keeps getting renewed. They should call that show “depression:  the series”.

^This^    Sega, unlike Nintendo, has de-valued their catalog so much via countless cheap or free re-releases that few people are going to be willing to pay $10 for a single game.  

Translation:  A Japanese speaking production company can’t be expected to keep English on calendars consistent seeing as how it’s probably gibberish to most people in the area.  Likewise, historically accurate timelines shouldn’t be expected for a frikkin cartoon.  There you go, I solved the mystery.

That cat looks like me when I wake up in the middle of the night and have to take a pee.  Put that little guy on a plane and send him over... he can sleep on my belly.  

We are fortunate atm to have people around that can still work on crt monitors. The things are pretty indestructible and many times replacing the capacitators is all that’s needed to revive a dead monitor. You are correct though... a time is going to come when the tubes wear out and we are unable to replace them and

I need to make one correction to this article. Old games ARE in danger of being lost to time. Sure easily dumped games that the copyright protection has been figured out with ROM chips on board are preserved, but older, solid state machines (think pong or those 70's era motorized games) or systems with difficult

There isn’t a debate.... those who represent the console determine how it is pronounced and every single solitary person ever interviewed from NOA back in the day have pronounced it “N-E-S” when they abbreviated it (which was rare btw), so that’s what it is. Pretty sure people representing a company are going to get

Looks like you fight wasps, which is great because I think we can all agree that bees are ok but wasps and hornets can go fuck themselves.

YES!  I can’t fathom why there aren’t 50 people jumping on that right now.  

I wish adult swim would wise up and just greenlight the show for as long as the cast cares to do it instead of doing these season by season purchases.  This show started in 2003... I was just out of college.  Now I’m rapidly approaching 40 and we are just starting season 7.  I love the show, but damn.... I can’t

All that previously mentioned “jerry rigging” was to allow the zapper to use a legit arcade microswitch.  That’s why it still works well 30 years later.  

But Porky IS lame. The only time he’s useful is when paired with the infinitely more entertaining Daffy. He’s the straight man to Daffy’s jokes and that’s about it. Seriously, think of one cartoon Starring Porky without him as a side kick that’s funny. You can’t, because no such thing exists.

I don’t see the point in this. 1080p and 60fps means virtually nothing for an emulated, 3d game.

Ok as a control input “expert” allow me to explain. Traditionally Nintendo’s d-pads have been excellent over the years thanks to the patented cross-shape and a small rounded pivot point on the bottom center of the pad. This pivot point prevented you from pressing left+right or up+down at the same time and also added

Not only is it irrelevant that we know the odds, I’m pretty sure they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to post the odds with all gambling and contests.  

Yeah the dialog is what makes it great. For the record the joke about the blue rajah is that he’s one of those fifth tier superheroes you get in the books who’s back-story and powers are so over-complicated that nobody but the most hardcore of nerds knows about them. It’s cemented with a bullet when we find that he

What the franchise desperately needs are the missing characters. Konami is on board, so why can’t Simon Belmont join the party? How about Hager from Final Fight from Capcom?  How about the Contra guys?  Heck even Nintendo is missing some of it’s own characters like the sheriff, or the gumshoe, ect. Before anyone

1. Rob the robot was an INTENTIONAL TRICK to get Nintendo in North America after the great video game crash. They used him to single handedly saved the video game industry as we know it. You are welcome.

Actually no, no you don’t.  You would have a wider range of resolution with motion controls if they were 1 to 1 translations and were as dead accurate as an analog stick.  Since they aren’t motion controls are a horrid option in terms of accuracy and responsiveness.  That doesn’t mean they can’t be fun though.