
I’m at Cabin Creek, a few miles south of Charleston, so I should be familiar with most of the landmarks that end up in the game. What people that haven’t been here don’t realize is the fact that we have a large number of visually unique landmarks in the State.... enough to make for an interesting map. I mean our

Have you seen the news lately? Trump and his cabinet are doing a pretty good job of re-enacting the holocaust, complete with children in cages, mis-quoting the bible to manipulate people and referring to human beings as “an infestation”.

Oh we can prevent the poverty, the problem is nearly every politician, Republican or Democrat, has been bought off or is directly involved in the coal industry around here. When electricity has been discovered and your state is still banking on whale oil lanterns you aren’t going to make money.

Yeah, they’ve dropped the ball with the whole future plot line. We’ve had an evil goddess running around cyberspace for years now and nothing bad has happened. I also keep expecting them to resurrect Desmond as an AI or something and yet that plot thread seems to have been dropped as well.

Three gets a bad rap. People that didn’t resonate with Connor obviously didn’t do all the side-quests...… he’s one of the most interesting protagonists in the series if you actually play the whole damn game.

Cartoon Network is the Fox Network in terms of cancelling ground-breaking shows because they didn’t immediately make them a billion dollars overnight. It’s their fault that the Batman TAS universe died.... not a single person that actually watched Justice League Unlimited had a bad thing to say about it, but those

Well it’s also pretty fucking weird that Kotaku has a cosplay section in the first place, which, let’s face it, is 90% cheesecake no matter how anyone tries to justify it.

Obviously you haven’t used it because Edge is the overall best browser out there. It’s loads faster than all the others and has surprisingly good compatibility. What’s shitty is how firefox fanboys and M$ haters base their judgment of a brand new browser on their impressions of IE from 1998.

I don’t think it’s possible. The nes’s PPU only renders in composite video. RGB mods for the NES typically read what is being sent to the PPU, simulate it, and translate this simulation to RGB instead of composite. The video out pin on the expansion port is for composite video obviously as it’s the only type of video

I think this is a case of ABC and Roseanne’s friends/co-workers realizing that she’s not at all well (she’s been diagnosed with split personality disorder along with many other mental disorders) but not realizing that she’s so un-well that she’s went full on nut job conspiracy theory racist wacko on the world at

I think it’s an interesting solution to the Switch’s lower specs. Then again they managed to port Doom and Wolfenstein II to the Switch so it seems like they should have been able to make a real port of decent quality.

It’s more like Evangelion that understands it’s audience better. Nobody cares about the giant robots and alien scourge…. we want the drama and cheesecake. It’s actually more like Power Rangers.....came for the 5 minutes of English footage with that smokin’ hot Kimberly.... stayed for the cheesy giant robot battles.

For the record, legally there isn’t anything Nintendo can do. While they can absolutely get videos taken down because the videos contain their IPs, they can’t have a wrapper pulled that doesn’t include the rom since the wrapper doesn’t contain Nintendo’s data. It’s the reason that all of my game mods since the

1. There hasn’t been neo-geo hardware since the 90's and this is NOT it.

Funny, I thought it was the evil timeline because a racist sexist tyrant is in the white house but I guess video games are more important.

Silly poster! Milk Chocolate’s for kids!

Why do I have to correct every dang fool idgit on the internet about this? You are paying a whopping 10 dollars for several sheets of pre-cut cardboard. The other 60 is for the software. Before someone chimes in about it costing too much, I’ll remind you all that wii music was 50 bucks. Almost all Nintendo titles are

Not really... you aren’t translating the article from legal protection speak into English. The terms “homebrew and jailbreaking” should always be translated into “downloading full retail games for free directly from Nintendo’s servers as if you bought them”. At least, that’s how it worked/works on the Wii U and 3Ds. ;)

Yeah, but is that multi-thousand dollar lab fun? The answer is no, because it lacks Nintendo.

Maybe if they played it on Fox News.....