
Just be sure to paint the same side of each figure or else you’ll have a race war on your hands. (Obscure TOS reference)

Actually.... Gamepads/Joysticks/whatever are designed to make games harder for right-handed people thus artificially increasing the challenge. This dates back to arcades when games transitioned from having buttons on either side to putting them on the right. Remember in the arcades that goal is to make the user spend

So will this work on the Switch? If so this might be a better solution to an additional dock.

So will this work on the Switch? If so this might be a better solution to an additional dock.

Damn it internet, this is why we can’t have nice things.

It functionally makes a big difference. You can no longer press left and right at the same time or up and down, you can also press a corner of a d-pad and have it accurately register as a diagonal for fighting games. To use arcade controls as an example, 4 buttons, 4 way joysticks and 8 way joysticks all use the same

Correct. Then again, I thought this was a given considering he has a frikkin wizard on the payroll that has been shown in various games to sprinkle pixie dust on small enemies, making them much larger.

Most popular Nintendo characters will still be around in 100 years while pretty much everything else won’t. The reason is Nintendo treats it’s characters like actors. Actors that can be inserted to many stories and scenarios. Other games often just use characters as a means to an end and the style of game is often

The only thing about Monster Jam is the repetition. I hope you liked that event, because, unless you move to another state and see it in a differently configured arena, you’ll be seeing essentially that same show for the next 10-20 years. Sure you might occasionally get a different roster of cars, but it all blends

The main reason you should ALWAYS buy physical is the fact that it is the only way to actually own the game. If you download a game and Nintendo decides to remove the eshop functionality of a console (which they have done twice thus far) you are completely screwed in terms of re-downloading a previously deleted title.

Umm the new rewards program is terrible. You have to buy 20 games in ONE YEAR to get a free game and that’s only if you buy them digitally. If you buy the superior, physical releases, then you only get 1% in rewards, you’ll have to buy an insane 100 games in one year. That’s $6000 in games! Most people only buy 5-10

Anybody remember the NES game? Shenron would grant you a sandwich, some worn panties, or a new title screen for the game. So yeah, these options are better.

Agreed. There are also several missing films from the 70's on. Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, Spider-Man (Rami version), Iron Man, Star Trek II.... I could go on, but my point is 99% of the time it’s genre films (Scifi, Fantasy and Horror) that best

So no order to take away any guns the household might own then? Yeah that’s dodging the problem.

Because you can’t have it both ways. Right now women are fighting a battle to be seen as equals and not constantly be objectified by men. A woman actively trying to make a living off of encouraging men to objectify her isn’t helping the cause.

Seeing as it’s Japan, for legal reasons, she is 18, but all interaction within the game makes it apparent that she is actually 14. ;)

It’s particularly insulting that whatever entity owns the Atari library at this point isn’t even familiar enough with it to choose the correct names to cash in on. Roadblasters would have been the more appropriate choice as the cars in the new game look similar and you might find some people under 30 that have

Except... that won’t work. Mental Health is NOT the issue. Guns are the issue. The only two ways to 100% eliminate the probability that little Billy will go nuts and shoot up a school is to kill little Billy just in case, or remove the guns from the equation, again, just in case. Obviously the solution is to get rid

He’s going to blame everything for gun violence but the only thing that causes gun violence.... guns. The NRA gave him 30 million for his campaign, so he’s their butt-puppet, just like half of congress.

Yes it absolutely does.... to me at least.... meanwhile the rest of the US is largely immoral.... I mean look at our president....look at most of the republican party for that matter.

Yes, a thousand times yes. See they haven’t really changed his model all that much, so his proportions are the same, only now he’s hairy and a Ken doll down there so it’s really, really creepy.