Maybe it’s a world with only one political party (Republicans) and they’ve suppressed science in favor of b.s. that their corporate sponsors tell them to say and thus nobody is aware of green energy sources.
Maybe it’s a world with only one political party (Republicans) and they’ve suppressed science in favor of b.s. that their corporate sponsors tell them to say and thus nobody is aware of green energy sources.
I wonder how long before they are sued. I mean you’ve got shovel knight, Rick (from Rick and Morty) and the monster from Stranger Things as playable characters.
You act like the hole is necessary.... a dick is a natural hole maker.... just ask the internet.
I think Zica is totally missing the point of the Sectaurs. The action figures were kind of crap. The real draw to this line were the cool hand puppets and the giant playsets due to the large scale of the figures. I expect absolutely nobody to buy these.
It’s the origin of the creed, not the origin of earth and all it’s inhabitants.
To be fair he is deeply entrenched in religion, which is always crazy. Egyptians believed that gods walked amongst them, so this was probably just proof of that to him.
This was the first Women’s rumble, so it made sense to have every classic woman wrestler (that can still wrestle) in it. Also, there aren’t enough women on the main roster to do a 30 woman rumble, so it was either this, or bring in a bunch of scrub up and comers that nobody has heard of.
Wasn’t Ben Heck building a input monitoring device to determine if this score was possible?
Hey I’m 38 and I’m totally gonna get one of these. It isn’t so much that it isn’t marketed for adults, but rather it isn’t marketed towards sad, pathetic adults who are dead inside and have lost any sense of child-like wonder.
*sight* Did they give you a free video game as well, because a video game is 60 bucks and the labo kit is 70.... you are only paying 10 bucks for the custom cut/printed cardboard, the twine and the grommets...... that’s about what they cost.
Considering everything else from the Wii U is getting ported to the switch, expect that to happen soon. Lord knows we wouldn’t then to create some new games or anything.
So an 8 year old kid that was brought to our country by their parents is now a criminal? Please just shut the fuck up, pick up a newspaper and try to learn what DACA actually is you idiot.
No they didn’t. Still not better than Odyssey and BOTW.
Yeah and also they supported his insane Regan-era trickle-down-economics tax plan, so I don’t really care how their greedy selfish asses feel anyway as they are also morally bankrupt.
And once again the gaming industry is saved... thanks to the perpetually “doomed” Nintendo. Haters can suck it.
Nintendo as a company has been around for well over 100 years. Nintendo as a games company has been around since the 70's. Sometimes they make a dud, but it was a rarity and more often than not they make money hand over fist. What I’m saying is Nintendo will NEVER die.
^This is me.^ I’ve got every Nintendo console, every xbox console save the X, Ps1, ps2, psp, vita, some Atari stuff, a genesis Saturn and dreamcast and a bunch of misc video game merch. I’ve never gotten rid of a single piece of my gaming collection and I’ve been getting consoles since I was 5. The thing is, you can’t…
The problem with lying to kids at a young age and saying that kind of lie is alright is that it makes them think other lies are alright and the next thing you know.... Fox News.
It’s not set in stone. While Turkey is definitely associated with Thanksgiving, there really isn’t anything associated with xmas. Ham is the most popular dish in the US, but I’ve seen roast beef and turkey as well. I know someone mentioned goose, but they are in the extreme minority. It’s a hard conversation to have…
Yup. I guess no sequel for us. :(