Just for the record...... I’d watch the fuck out of that Kristmas special.
Just for the record...... I’d watch the fuck out of that Kristmas special.
Hmm, I only count four games. Street Fighter, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha and Street Fighter III. Their lame pseudo sequels that would be considered over-priced dlc if they were released today don’t count.
Trick question. ST:D isn’t Star Trek, it’s a decoy. They’ve cleverly renamed Star Trek to “The Orville” so they can keep the money grubbing corporate toadies out of the writing room.
Except that it doesn’t use Star Trek history at all. They’ve broke canon so much that not even super glue and duct tape could fix it.
Why waste all that time making an amazing costume of a garbage baybot?
Does it come with the replicated copy of the flute? If it doesn’t come with the flute then it isn’t a good figure.
You haven’t watched the Orville yet have you? It’s TNG in everything but name, social commentary and all.
You sound like Trump saying that there are “good people on both sides” when talking about that riot incident. If you stand with a white supremacist you ARE a white supremacist. People that voted for Trump and now regret it are either stupid or gullible and we can’t hate them for that, but people that still support…
Exactly. She discovered that a right-wing gun toting nut, is... a nut. No news there, all us democrats already know that all of these militia guys are stupid, nuts, racist or a combination of the three.
So how come Asia’s Got Talent is 100% in English? Some parts of Asia (like India) certainly are fluent in English, but most aren’t.
I don’t get why people are just now thinking that Mario is a dick. The dude used to own a pet ape, which he mistreated causing it to break out and run amok. The guy “rescues” Pauline, Peach, Rosalina and Daisy. He was the straight up villain in DK Jr. He murders members of the mushroom kingdom who were turned into…
Sorry but Wendy’s food is far superior to McDonald’s and all the other fast food chains. Never frozen beef, large cut fries, Chili, Spicy Chicken, ect.... all perfectly prepared. If you had a bad experience then it’s on you for going to a crappy Wendy’s. Most Wendy’s are great and they don’t pull some b.s. like McD’s…
Any piece of intellectual property devoid of a parent company or any other legitimate ownership is considered abandonware. While it might technically still be illegal to download it until it falls into the public domain, there aren’t any parties left to sue you for it.... so yeah... literally a victimless crime.
I love how Japan doesn’t even pretend that religion is relevant in the 21st century and uses their sacred temples as marketing gimmicks. Now if we could get the west in on this message.
That’s not a Kamehameha... he didn’t charge it for three episodes. :)
Only in Japan man. This is due to the fact that Japanese audiences have this delusion that all Anime characters are Japanese, even though 90% of them have blonde hair or other features that clearly make them western characters. There’s such a thing as reverse white-washing. You can’t tell an Anime fan that though, and…
Hating Donald Trump has nothing to do with politics, because he’s a monster the Russians tricked dumb people into voting for. That’s a stone cold fact... ask ALL of our intelligence agencies.
Yup. Basically NRS invented the story mode and they know how to do it right due to their extensive back lore from the old MK games. Capcom should share the license with them so we can finally get MKxDCxMarvelxCapcom :)
Considering the fact that you think the $10,000 per person estimate applies to indie games, I’d say you merely THINK you know due to your personal experience in the industry. I assure you, if it was 10k, per person, per month, the indie scene would collapse. It’s usually the founders of the project working for free or…
Which is great.... but it means you had to wear Tommy Hilfiger growing up, so you have my condolences.