
Must be G1 then..... Bay-formers all transform into hideous shards of cgi metal.

Seriously, trying to conform to social norms in hopes of acceptance..... What is this? High school?

I really like this set, but the little name plates on the outside windows to the cells and the giant product banner below the windows kind of kill it. Those should have been on the shrink wrap or something. Also I’m pretty sure GCPD would label them as Alexandre Dantes, Waylon Jones, Victor Friez, and Pamela Isley

Agreed. Laws are intended to protect good citizens. When they hurt good citizens then it’s the law that needs changed. Or else, you know, we’d still have slavery and women wouldn’t have the right to vote. That used to be “the law” you know.

It might be playable on a tablet, but I don’t think manipulating tiny little blocks is going to go well on a phone. Silly developers..... games are for consoles.

That whole “your not a hero” nonsense from the last episode kind of sets a death flag for Tyrion, and the guy can’t die, because he, more than all people except maybe John Snow, deserves to live a long, happy life. So yeah, Tyrion dying.

Republicans have been the party of the stupid for quite a while.... Trump was just the inevitable conclusion. Basically the republican base consists of, poor, under-educated white men... sometimes racists... which are exactly the kind of people that would benefit by many democrat social service programs. They

Don’t forget that he’s literally a pig and can be outsmarted by a teenage mute boy.

Actually people mistakenly think the n64 was underpowered, when the psx was comparatively a dollar store calculator with the 5 key missing. It was quite powerful and capable or rendering many, many textured polys at once with various hardware filters applied. The problem was the carts and their limited storage. It

Not enough. You get two colors for a sprite.... sometimes three with tricks. That has four colors.

I hate to be “that guy” but:

It’s more like the fate of midway was literally resting on the back of Mortal Kombat.... towards the end they had them releasing a game every single year.... they just didn’t have time for spit and polish.

Mario games are objectively better. It all comes down to gameplay mechanics and creative level design. There are several gameplay videos on the net that show that it’s impossible for you to move sonic at full speed and avoid obstacles without knowing about them in advance due to the shoddy camera and yet it’s marketed

Honestly those box controllers are cheating. Speed in inputting moves has a lot to do with the amount of travel it takes to activate an input. I don’t know what the amount of travel is on a gamecube controller or typical fight stick, but it’s more than a pushbutton. Also it removes all skill in regards to hitting

The ending was pure crap. Not only was it lazy (because god) but there is no religion in scifi. It’s SCIENCE fiction, not make-believe nonsense fiction.

To be fair, Metroidvania is the best genre in the history of video games.

People in this discussion seem to equate one medium to having superior masters and this just isn’t the case. A poorly mastered album will sound just as bad on vinyl as cd. No, distortion outside of the audio range won’t cause the producers to remaster an album.... it might... but in most cases they just reduce the

Game prices varied wildly during the cart years. Some NES games got up the the 60-70 dollar range in 1980's money. Snes and N64 games got progressively more expensive as specialty processors and more memory were added to carts.

It’s a no-brainer who she should listen to. If you pay attention to the show, anyone who ignores Tyrion’s advice dies a horrible death... so yeah, listen to the little man, he’s smart.

Nah. Alucard does a good thing every once in a while.