
Just a straight guy’s opinion. The guy on the far right looks pretty cool but the rest look like the various varieties of colossal douchebags that live on this planet.

So can’t little boys just have this one? I get it that every sexual orientation, identity and race wants to be represented and that’s cool but little boys need stories too and deep down they all want to rescue a princess or two.

Life in Aggro killed it. It perfectly displays how Sony and Micrsoft completely miss the point when they steal one of Nintendo’s ideas.

How about a lightgun game? Since the original nes zapper games we’ve gotten the super scope pack-in and link’s crossbow training, and that’s it.

Sony has very few exclusive games actually. They have God of War, a franchise on it’s last legs, and an exclusive deal with Capcom for Street Fighter V, a fighter that nobody really cares for. Don’t get me wrong, Microsoft’s aging Halo franchise isn’t much better, but they do have GOW.

Yes and you would think considering Sony Pictures is about to go bankrupt, and Sony electronics isn’t doing much better, they would be trying to put as much goodwill into the only successful branch of the company left.

Speaking as a guy with SMALL hands, I welcome it back. The slap-dash button placement of the xbox s controller’s black and white buttons paired with a seriously small grip space made the original a vastly superior gamepad. That’s not to say that I think it’s better than the 360 or one gamepads, but for playing og xbox

I’ve got a feeling that a year after release they’ll do a virtual console release on the switch.

It doesn’t age slower, it just looks better period. The 3ds isn’t powerful enough to create the impressive shading and lighting effects AM2R did along with 3d models as detailed as the 2d art. Any 3d rendering with jaggies just looks terrible and I’ve yet to see a 3ds game without them. On the other hand 2d art is

Personally I’m more offended by the fact that an Italian-American plumber from Brooklyn sounds like Mikey Mouse from Italy. #HeShouldSoundLikeCaptainLou

Bah! I’m an old man and they’ve been saying Nintendo is on it’s last legs since the Genesis came out. What people don’t get is that Nintendo plays the long game.... things that seem idiotic at the time (banning a Metroid fan game) turn out to make perfect sense later (releasing a 2d Metroid on the 3ds).

You know Ubi kind of took a break last year and I think it’s done them some good. Everything they’ve shown looks awesome.

The problem with any 4k system is that 4k tvs don’t really have a large install base yet. The countries infrastructure would have to really catch up first. Most places don’t even get 1080p broadcasts yet (it’s usually 1080i), 4k media players aren’t really a thing and even streaming services like Netflix that offer

So you are telling me nobody in the entire facility has ever played video games or watched one of the very successful films? I know it’s Vietnam, but come on.... at least somebody who worked there knew.

Myself I’m sick and tired of the PA hate. Ok you don’t think it’s funny, that’s fine, but are you honestly saying that the other strips ARE funny?

Yup which is why I smack these “virtual reality is finally here!” nuts upside the head any chance I get. They’ve been saying that since the 80's and yet the majority of the gaming public still doesn’t want to put a ridiculous, pricey piece of plastic of their head instead of playing comfortably in front of the tv.

Let’s just look at this from a more practical standpoint. If a label is replaced with such care and with such quality that people can’t tell it’s a reproduction, does it really matter if it’s a reproduction?

Where is this “pressure sensitive buttons” nonsense coming from? The mvs cabinets were setup with a stick and four buttons and with the exception of a single title that used a trackball and specialized hardware every single solitary neo-geo carts used this same setup.... it was a cartridge based cabinet.... that was

It’s interesting that most people consider Lucy a bully. I never took her that way. Her relationship with good old Charlie Brown seemed like that of a little girl that really liked a boy but was too young to properly express it. She picked on him, but she always wanted to be the center of his attention as well.

You just made the point that there aren’t any social outcasts or bullies, which, quite frankly, is ridiculous. School, a subsequently childhood, is like prison. Everybody joins “gangs” of similar children and if you are unfortunate enough to be one of those kids that doesn’t fit into any of those groups, you get