Reading the article.. “Nice One Good Round”
Reading the article.. “Nice One Good Round”
I’d just be glad to get rid of the political ads. I whitelist you guys, but had to target some of the ad frames because they’d be full of Republican propaganda all of a sudden.
Two words: South Park.
We’d better hope that they do. Because if they succeed in forcing Apple to allow external stores, then Sony and Xbox are next. Just imagine being forced to give every game company your credit card info. Not to mention that if the platform holders can’t profit from their service, then why bother having the platform in…
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t 70/30 the industry standard? Don’t Playstation, Nintendo and Xbox take the same cut? I’m under the impression that Steam was the same, and that’s why Epic started a store of their own.
Wrong morally isn’t the same as wrong legally. Apple is 100% in the right legally, wether you approve of the cut or not.
And she’s dead last in League rankings.
How about he just shut up. Period. Let her do the real business while he gives thumbs up from the background for the next eight years.
So many to choose from. But the music of Ar Tonelico ranks way up there.
Bingo. If you’re using a phone for government/ military (or hell, any business really), that should be all it does, period.
Foreign policy is like playing that Vulcan chess and poker at the same time.
They don’t need to summarily execute people in the streets.
Not to mention that this effectively bans League of Legends.
Meh. I’m not too concerned; more I’m wondering why people dragged Stadia but not Xcloud. They have two dealbreakers in common: data caps and internet speeds.
It’s bad business to include console favoritism in a multi platform game. Period. No matter what side does it.
Oh no, Donald Trump is a game dev now??
A timed exclusive whole game is one thing. That just means “this company has paid us to focus on them for a while.”
But they each had a unique character. PS4 is getting a bunch of content that nobody else gets, period.
Not to mention the biggest initial turn off for me: the aesthetic look. It should have been more cartoonish. They’re clearly going for the MCU look, but that means when I see Thor, for example, I expect Chris Hemsworth. Not seeing him, or hearing RDJ as Iron Man, gives me strong uncanny valley vibes.