More than just Spider Man, as it turns out:
More than just Spider Man, as it turns out:
I dunno. Overall, it’s nice, but it looks unbalanced without shoes. Plus, even at a beach, landing from a flight barefoot is going to hurt lol.
Considering they’re going to lose on power (and hopefully price) in the next generation of consoles, these sorts of deals are all Sony really has left to keep people loyal to them.
We want justice; they want power. Simple as that.
Yeah. Saying “Bill Clinton is a Predator” is kinda something we’ve known for like a couple decades now, so him (potentially) rotting in jail shouldn’t even surprise the rest of us.
If there’s direct evidence, absolutely lock his ass up. I’m not really even surprised to hear Clinton’s name in this.
When you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
I might get dragged for this, but fuck it: I think Trader Joe is right not to change just because of a petition or Twitter pile on.
Until we pull a Gundam 00(completely replace our dependence on oil with something else), the OPEC countries will basically have carte blanche to do whatever they want.
Don’t know about male CASTs, but females are very much a hybrid like Demi was.
Because it’s what Trump wants. They HAVE to convince themselves that he’s right, that this is overblown and things will be fine.
Could be the english trailer wasn’t ready yet. Or possibly they’re nervous about the main character looking young.
That’s the redneck equivalent to being kicked out of the Gaeden of Eden.
Yeah. This sounds more like a man that’s kinda not used to people in general, and women especially.
Carpe Canum! Seize the dog!
Yup! And they still have the right to fly their flag; on their own property.
Which is a shame. The Critic was criminally underrated.
I’d rather try for an imperfect improvement to society than waste time on an impossible one.
Then we’re fucked. Because it’s not just our society. It’s every society. All of them, that have ever lived and likely ever will. Because there would be civil war long before people accepted the level of control needed to pull that off.