
Amen. Although I will have to see.. if the grips on my new white Elite are still good (They are supposed to be improved over the launch model) when this hits, I don’t think I’d be as eager. I had a launch model Elite (still do) and literally the only problem it had was the grips stretching off. Otherwise it is as good

At this point, I would advise ALL researchers, in all fields, that care about more than money, to flee the United States. At least until we get a majority Democrat House, Senate and administration and make some serious structural changes.

Damn you, take the star for beating me to the joke.

Right or wrong, being overly hostile and attacking people is not the way to go about changing minds. All that does is make people dislike you, and thus ignore and dismiss you.

Can you edit your partner AI, sort of like the Palico in MH? That may help those who don’t like the look of her at least. 

Sorry. Didn’t mean to bash the review, just saying I’m glad someone can still make a good game like this. But I’ve just read so many people dismiss or attack the aesthetic that it bothers me. Like suddenly the art style I grew up loving is something people enjoy a game in spite of, rather than because of. 

Considering Sony’s recent stand about censorship, I do feel it might be just that. 

I, for one, am very glad they are still making games with that “trashy absurdity”. Seems like these days, having a Japanese aesthetic, and especially any sort of fanservice is an automatic negative, even on a game that is really good. 

Where I live, my Dad and I are the only white people in like a four block area that I’m aware of. I live in eyesight of old housing projects; in fact, I went to elementary school across the street from them. The homes here are old but well maintained mostly.

Halo: Reach was the first Halo game I ever played. My dad bought the Collectors edition for me, thinking I liked Halo lol.

You COULD just straight up start a church, preach about charity tithes, and pledge to donate any money sent in

It’s the echo chamber effect. People want to feel good, not bad, and it takes maturity to be introspective. When you put a bunch of miserable people together, it becomes very easy for them to decide that if there are so many of them, they can’t possibly be the problem.

Here is something to keep us all up at night.. If he decided shit was about to hit the fan for him and picked up that red phone, do you think whoever is on the other end would go ahead and launch an unprovoked strike, or would he have the guts to tell the Commander in Chief no?

Even if he didn’t pardon himself, I’d wager money that Pence would. Trump’s massive baby ego is probably the only reason he hasn’t stepped down like Nixon did.

Oh believe me, if they found anything they could have hung even the thinnest excuse to file charges on Obama, they would have. And had Hillary won, they would’ve kept harping on “EMAILS!” For her entire presidency.

I know who REALLY caused Dany to flip out..

Because different people like different things in games? I never understood the appeal of sports games. Others do. 

Its a win/win for the company. Just doing it at all gets them good publicity and good will. If it’s a success, they can keep it going with only minor upkeep (as it being a static state is the whole point). If it flops, they can say they tried. 

Well that’s disappointing.

How extensive are the options for how you can dress yourself?