
I think the article must be misworded.. I thought their old policy was only to hold a preorder for 48 hours after launch.  God knows I’ve heard workers tell me and others that someone had something held and they’d sell it in two days if not picked up. 

Am I missing something? He says “30 days after RELEASE”. Not 30 days after you place the preorder.

My answer is make it in a card only currency that can be audited. If someone is routinely running it out early, a caseworker should contact them to find out why. Especially if they have kids.

Personally, I’m fine with it-to a point. We need to decouple a persons worth to society from how they earn money.

It would likely be easier to list the ones that didn’t do anything skeevy. And those, if they are long dead and gone, we probably just never had any evidence to say it.

Not really anything wrong with exclusives; that’s just business. It’s how you get people to your storefront over another one. It’s been that way for as long as there has been competition in selling games.

Contracts. Disney would probably get sued for breaking the 10 year deal they have. That’s unless EA keeps shitting the bed with them- which is almost surely why EA keeps killing them off pre release. They don’t have confidence those projects will be hits.

How about one on gun violence? How many people die every single day to that?

Yeah. It sucks, but if the store didn’t violate any laws that apply to it, then they shouldn’t be liable. If the military had done it’s paperwork, the check should have flagged him and no sales would have happened.

I really, really hope this movie strikes me as good because an issue of Battle Angel Alita was literally the first comic book I ever bought myself. It was my introduction to Manga AND comics in general, and to this day it is my favorite.

And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
‘Cause he ain’t got nobody to aggro.

We don’t know any actual numbers though. And this isn’t an isolated issue either, GameStop has done it before. Hell, when they started taking preorders on the Scorpio Xbox One X, I raced down there. Was third in line because when they snip preorders, they usually do it back to front. 

It is not fraud. It would be if they charged you to place a preorder and kept the money for it; if they cancel on you, they refind that money, plus the $25 dollar store credit in this case.

It’s not illegal to *do* kit bashing in Japan. It’s illegal to do it and then turn around and sell it as an official item. 

Of course. They can’t possibly be OK with killing their beloved Führer.  I have little doubt that if WWII had broken out today, the Republicans would be doing everything possible to sell us on joining the Nazis.

Which is why I wrote the second paragraph.

Bingo. I had no idea about any of this before the Chapelle skit, and that episode of Boondocks making fun of the absurd pass R.Kelly was getting at the time. 

On the one hand, the conceit of the Animus is that the person you’re playing is really someone in the future sitting in a device “diving” into their genetic memory of their ancestor. You aren’t actually playing Kassandra; you’re playing her descendant who is playing Kassandra. No bloodline, no connection.

Terry Crews is like a walking ball of radiant energy.

Aaand it doesn’t matter in the context of DJ since it was a fake story, but I stand by what I said. We need to stay focused, otherwise one of two things will happen: Either everybody in the public eye will be perfect, stepford humans in fear that any screwup will destroy their careers.