
What I suggest is that we give people a chance to change, which most of us DO. When someone says or does something stupid, explain why it is wrong, calmly, and if they back off, apologize, and are sincere, even if it smells a bit backhanded then just watch for a while.

At this point, I wish they would just go back to making an MMO like Overwatch was going to be to start with. Or make “Overwatch 2” be a PVE oriented game with actual story. I mean really, not all the “Good Guys” are even Overwatch members, nor are all the “Bad Guys” Talon related. My head canon is that the actual

Exactly. Overwatch the story has so little to do with Overwatch the game that I once showed my dad a supercut video of all the animated shorts (at the time) and he was disapointed when I told him there wasn’t really any story to the game itself.

Well I meant submit it to the internet so they will believe she is real. But yeah. One would think that you’d actually interview someone before hiring them for any position. In this case, they didn’t.

And now the next Pro woman is going to have to submit a doctor’s exam proving it. Ugh.

Bingo. Personally, I think child support should be an automatic deduction of a certain % of your paycheck, like a tax, applied to the parent that’s not the main caregiver. It’s not a criminal matter, and treating it like one just screws over everybody involved. 

Yup. Even if I were the best player of any given game I know (which I’m not, not by a longshot) I’d never consider trying to be a pro, or a streamer. It’s not worth the hassle. 

I honestly can’t understand the point you’re trying to make. For gear, yeah, there are “best in slot” weapons. Pretty much every game I’ve ever played, MMO or not, has those. It shouldn’t. There should be a ton of ways to get to the same strength, which keeping old stuff around should do.

Well honestly, the weapons and armor already became worthless in Destiny 2 once. I expect that to happen again. But we lost all our shaders, ornaments, ships, bikes.. basically everything that they let you spend actual money on is the stuff that should never be taken away. Had all of that stuff carried over into 2, it

What I mean is, they need to just flat out embrace the MMO. I’d love to see an “expansion” that basically adds everything from D1 except the systems. Gear, locations, events, raids, all of it. And rebrand the game as simply “Destiny” and build from there. Having a ton of things to do is not a problem in the least.

Personally, I say fuck D3. Let them continually update D2 forever, with new areas, planets, etc.  There is no need to hit reset on us again- which they would do in a new game. It stretched plausability the first time (What happened to the gear, ships, etc. I happened to have on my person, why was I in a different

It’ll be ok! I found a leaked image of Trump’s chief expert, hard at work.

I see that flag for exactly what it is, whenever I see it on a truck passing by or even on a neighbor or family member’s house.

Yeah. That is just really, really freaking egregeous. 

I wish all games did their microtransactions this way- buy currency, choose what you want, if you want to.

I am un-ironically happy that I am rocking a Masterwork Cookie Oven. 

Whte lady here. Learned to cook from my momma and I have you know that practically every cell in my body is MADE of Lawry’s. When I fry anything, I put a friggin’ soup ladels worth in the batter.

I will end my replies with this:

I am not saying that I can’t. I feel I do. But SOME PEOPLE equate “flat chest+short=underage”.