
Yep, its more of a "Classic" classic lol. No cult needed.

Even still, the posture of bringing a gun up to line your eye with its sights has to be more stable. Think about it, if you had a gun with a sight smart linked to a HUD, does that mean you aren't still going to balance it the most stable way you know? And who says the UNSC hasn't updated the helmet visor to work in

Actually it should be more accurate in ADS regardless because of the way you physically hold a gun when aiming it versus hip fire. You bring it up and steady it.

I and several of my friends had never even thought of importing games before the Project Diva PSP games. We imported every one of them, and I'm sure we weren't alone. I imagine someone at Sega US looked at import sales figures and then facepalmed before running to their boss and waving those figures in their face.

Personally I like to just go to the first area of "The Buried City" and run in circles killing everything with the money boost items on, when I want more money or need Cabal Major kills. There are as many as four Yellow bar Cabal that routinely respawn in that area, plus a public event.

Something I noticed.. he still sells exotics, and those are upgraded already. He didn't have my Voidfang Vestments for upgrade but did have it for sale.

Good. I hope they stay neck and neck as long as possible; competition is good for consumers.

It might as well be like that, with all the additions the current gen versions got. The prevailing attitude among my friends still stuck in the last gen version is "We'll be amazed if we ever get Heists". We've all called the last gen version a paid beta for a while now.

Meh. It's funny to laugh at but after the shoddy treatment Soul Calibur has gotten, Tekken 7 is so far off the radar that I'd probably laugh if they did cut her just to spite people.

Its because everybody has to be able to see the weapons and equipment from the DLC, wether they buy it or not. Otherwise they wouldn't see the gear being worn by other players

I watched the whole keynote, hoping for a reason to be interested in PS4, or maybe that 4J would get on stage and announce a date for Minecraft's TU19. Still the only game they showed I cared about was No Man's Sky.

Right, I forgot that everybody that owns an Xbox One also owns a PC capable of running that version.

It makes sense to be PS4 exclusive- in Japan. Outside Japan however, no matter which console is in the lead, they are close enough in sales that exclusivity would almost cut your sales potential in half.

They don't know how to properly program a game with male models. Asking them to add believable female models would probably give them a nervous breakdown.

Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do, directly. Men can try to individually be concious of how they treat us, but many won't. Sadly, women having rights at all is a new concept, evolutionarily speaking, and the notion of us being subservient to men has tens of thousands of years behind it.

I was drawn to them initially because I'm a mute. I'd love to learn to use the Vocaloid software someday.

A Xenosaga trilogy, redone using the third game's character designs and totally redone models, not just upgraded textures, as a kickoff to a new Xenosaga game.. that would get all teh monies from me.

I'm about the most un-competitive there is when it comes to games, most especially shooters, so I know nothing about professional gaming. I suppose at the smaller levels, having their own rigs for players would be prohibitive. Believe me, I'm all for keeping things fair and cheaters should never, ever compete again.

Do they not use standardized, verified computer rigs at these events? One would think they just have the competitors sit at a terminal with a screen and maybe let them use their own keyboard/mouse after it's been checked and cleared.

No, you just have to have a soul and a functioning brain.