
It really boils down to what exclusive games you want. For me, it was the Halo series, Sunset Overdrive and such that got me to buy an X1 first.

They could always be concurrent timelines. After all, the planet Dragon Age takes place on could just be one of the countless planets in the same galaxy.

Miiikuu! I have bought every Project Diva game since the first PSP game, as imports. So glad they released these here.

Me and three friends were playing Magic The Gathering, on Live. Think it was the 2013 version. It was a long, heated game of Planechase but eventually, one of them played a card that let him draw a 1/1 horse counter for every point of health he had.

I love Japanese games too but some of them have been making incredibly bone-headed moves lately. Soul Calibur V getting its DLC canceled, Final Fantasy XV having an all boy "host club" main party, shifting major franchises into F2P nonsense.. the newest, and arguably most in depth Soul Calibur, Lost Sword, is single

Dynasty Warriors 8 on the Xbox 360. That game had a bug involving DLC weapons where if you equip them outside the in-stage camp menu, the game would hard freeze when you start a stage. And not only did Tecmo Koei know about it, they refused to fix it as the user base was too small.

Its a catch-22. You preorder a game, get whatever bonuses there are (And there are always bonuses these days.. some of them that never appear outside that preorder) but run the risk of buying a piece of junk.

They've been doing that since GTAO launched.

Its not right then either. My whole point was that if you want to be exclusive you should just be exclusive. Dealing out content unevenly to a game you release for everybody is wrong. I understand why companies do it, but that doesn't make it right. And I said the same thing back then too.

Yeah, I knew going into it. I wanted the game enough that it wasn't a dealbreaker. I have patience. It's business. You can gurantee that Sony paid for that exclusivity quite handsomely. Just like Microsoft paid for Tomb Raider's exclusivity.

As I wrote in Bungie's feedback page, as a mute this makes what was already a very difficult mission much harder for me. As it was, my raid team had a very good system in place and I knew what I needed to do and I did it. I knew where to go, what to shoot, when to shoot it, etc. and I performed well enough that the

And more exclusives I want. Power means next to nothing to me; I still play mostly on my 360 with friends that can't afford either new system. Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, the Master Chief Collection. Those are games exclusive that I want in the near term. The only PS4 exclusive I want is No Man's Sky and there is a

They won't. There's really no way they can respond that puts them in a positive light so they'll ignore the question.

I already did. I got the limited edition version so it came with it.

Its like you said, with Destiny, us Xbox players are going to pay the same amount of money but have half the content (of this and future DLCs) withheld until next year. I'd rather they charge us less and sell the exclusives on their own next year.. and they damn well better unlock for free for those who have already

Now playing

Miku, and Vocaloids in general, are so superior to what passes for musical celebrities these days, specifically because they are us. There is no ego, no drama, no rehab or idiotic tweets. There is no corporation to answer to.

You know, agree with her or not, these people are incredibly stupid. Every time they do these extreme threats and get so loud, they only make the voice of what they hate even louder while making sure that nobody who matters pays them any attention.

I prefer a smooth framerate to a higher resolution. Playing Forza, Skyrim or Titanfall at 60fps just feels great. However, if they have to introduce vsync errors (screen tearing) to achieve it I'd rather it be capped at 30. Titanfall is especially bad about that.

Resolution really makes little difference to me at that scale. I play the X1 because it has more exclusives that I want. That being said, it is stupid for them not to wring every drop out of both systems in games, multiplatform or not. I expect designers to push my X1 to the limits and consider it to be unfair if they