
If there is any change in bullying, ever, it will only come in an evolutionary time-scale. Every individual should do their best, of course, to be civil. But conflict is still hard wired into our brains, most especially young males. Yelling over the internet at something you don't like is just today's version of

Yeah. Frankly I wish we could shut people like that up, but free is free. Who knows, maybe they'll get it into their diseased brains to raise the money to fly themselves over there.

It wasn't a bluff, it was a joke. I doubt the state department would have allowed it even had he been totally serious. Asking for it or not, nobody would knowingly send those freaks to their certain death.

If they could, I'm absolutely sure they would. Hell if they had their way, legalized enslavement of women entirely would be their ideal goal. Let em control our lives directly without their flimsy pretenses.

There is some crossover in this case. He was in quite a few geeky culture things in the past so among most of us, he had the "cool guy" status. Not all of us pay attention to cultist screeching and so the fact that he isn't is newsworthy here. It was news to me.

On the one hand, no, we shouldn't have to take extra steps to protect ourselves. We should live in a world where we get the same respect as men do in our personal space.

Business is business. If MS hadn't written them a check big enough to seem to offset the lost sales, they wouldn't have accepted the offer.

The marketing helped. They had me at "Raccoon with big guns"

Communication is a unique hurdle for me, given that I'm a mute and thus can't use voice chats. I love it when games have an in-game typing box style chat, like many fighting game lobbies, and would really love it for a developer to put in robust Dpad commands (Like "come here" which would flash an icon on my

Religeon does not breed hate, and hating anyone for any generalized reason is wrong.

I bet word of mouth after the first round of moviegoers got punk'd by Hercules didn't help.

For the most part you can. There was only one mission on the Earth map that forced a fireteam, and I found most of the Bounties easier to do by myself, at my own pace.

Yet they are still making them, making toys from the EU, etc. No matter what a studio exec says, until previous canon is replaced with something new, in the minds of the fans it still counts.

I don't think they fully tossed all the EU stuff. They just said that if anything in the new movies that conflicts with the EU, the new movies will take precidence. I always thought that's how it was to begin with.

Its always a much better idea to be a skeptic, or at best cautiously optomistic. If you have high hopes for something and they meet them, you are satisfied. If you are skeptical, you get blown away which feels a lot nicer lol.

Since when has anybody needed an excuse to do that?

Top men are working on it as we speak.

I don't know how they do it. 4J Studios figured out some way to tell who already has it to give a discount but we don't yet know how it will work for them. Certainly your idea would be the simplest way to do it.

I'm saying that, its why I bought an X1 over a PS4.

I agree that graphics definately DO matter. What's getting out of hand though, is people taking relatively minor differences in resolution and blowing them up to be the life or death of one system or the other. I will be playing the X1 beta, and I expect I'll be blown away by how it looks. I was blown away by how Halo