
First the kid’s gonna warm up a couple of thighs for Dad.

This child has been born with so many advantages, he’s taking a victory lap.

He’s just emphasizing the importance of a nuclear family.

Or you know you could try making an actual comment yourself instead of the “something something” bullshit just because you need to see your words on a blog.

“The News has filed a pair of FOIL requests for those police logs...”

“What are thoooooose?”

You can’t see it, but the kid was actually pointing to a roster of Hornets draft picks from the past few seasons

Ah, New England. Where they drink their 40’s faster than they run them.

I hope one of them gets gored by Peter King.

For sale: plus one. Never used.

So was the car nice price or crack pipe?

The last time a red box went down that hard was when Dwight Howard couldn’t find a copy of The Little Mermaid.

I decided to take this down.

This incident may not be great for Leyva’s baseball career, but his odds of eventually finding himself in AA have increased dramatically.

Donald Trump on the 1’s and 2’s couldn’t possibly be as bad as Junior Galette on the 1’s and 0’s.

At least he has his shaving empire to fall back on!

I refuse to read this. I read her first book cover to cover and it was worthless...absolutely no advice on how to actually kill a mockingbird. No thanks, I’ll just read the instruction manual if I need to go set a watch, man.

Pictured: A shadow of himself and a shadow of his former self and Rupert, Wes’s invisible best friend.