
That’s badass.

There was no anticipated bid for a second Toronto-area team, and even more surprisingly, nothing from Seattle.

Because having a hockey team is the best of times and the worst of times?

What a strange Hill to dye on.

Wow. Besides shitting all over the place for the past few years, Timmy has another thing in common with my dog!

Look at this fucking (degenerative) hipster.

I have to respectfully disagree with LeBetard’s admonishmnent that Whitlock is still single. Maybe when he was much younger, but now he’s at least double.

Authorized service centers around the world rejoice!

It was only a matter of time before Sport Science ran out of topics and turned to off-the-field pursuits to explore, but I think he’s doing it wrong? At least, I never knew 69 required the use of any tools.

If you are looking for the perfect pet, one that will give you endless hours of delight and a lifetime of love, keep

Like 50 of them?

The Dodge Hellcats. Showing that America can still make a totally insane balls-out muscle car. Yeah, we’ve had “muscle cars” aplenty in the years following the malaise era, but nothing like this.

The Texans actually spoiled the deal when they asked to look in Peyton’s mouth.

Hey buddy, why don’t you make like Stuart Scott’s eye and look somewhere else?

You know what they say about Deadspin comments...

This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.

While ultimately a bad decision, I fully admire the team’s dedication to their initial idea. Nothing says “Caucasian Heritage” in Utah quite like being run out of town by an angry mob.

“Fuck. That’s the most unintelligible wish list I have ever seen.”

Bullpen: Hey coach! Check out this list of demands we’re going to give Wilson for his homerun ball!

Horses are pretty meat.