
"And this, folks, is what happens when don't pay college athletes."

Three sob emoji feels like the proper reaction to this particular boner.

New Arsenal star Alexis Sánchez has come into the Premier League and torn shit up.

Not to give too much credit to blow-hard sportscasters, but it might be the end of Jay Cutler if this video goes viral.


The shootout was inevitable when, in the third period, the Panthers' backcheck was busy popping Caps.



You forgot one very important point, Kyle. After those people were treated, they immediately went back to finish watching the game.

...he says that head coach Marc Trestman's latest comments "put the apostrophe" on the season

God already has a football team: the Saints

Roger Goodell has absolutely no idea what's going on in his own operation and is basically a potted plant.

"Long live the CoCo."

"Thanks, Tom. I LOVE blocks that hurt."

Duh, that's what happens when you rock it, man.

I have no idea why people keep saying it, but the Black Mamba is no 23.

Pictured: An MSG-induced headache

ertive player when the game is on the line.

It's nice to see that he's gentle, grateful person off the court. Especially for a guy who is known around the league as being an ass
