I know margins are slim in the food business, but did they really have to make the cheese from pigs' milk?
I know margins are slim in the food business, but did they really have to make the cheese from pigs' milk?
[meh; just like Skyline, the joke wasn't coming out right]
"Screw bats? Absolutely."
Simmons might be an asshole, but Bautista's sons could get in big trouble for this.
Well, it *is* comforting to know that that people are having a fundraiser for Andrea Bargnani.
I don't know, Tim. I think the camera just makes him seem to be wound a little tight.
So I guess you could say Adam's... career is over?
Ross, I tried looking at the graphs, but I didn't see anything. Apparently, the entire dataset comprised of out-liers.
He's just building his Brandt.
One thing's for sure, this model definitely has image stabilization.
It's about time. The NCAA has been fighting go-pro men for years.
Officiating mechanic is not to flag player who goes to ground for religious reasons.
If they really wanted to follow the "Patriot Way," they would rally around their star player with emotion and conviction; unite with one another against the enemy; and as a cohesive, team unit, toss Brady off the side of a ship.
Wow +1
By the looks of it Samer, you transposed "back" and "baby."
I'm surprised he lasted this long. Wouldn't you at least want to employ from your farm system?
Welshman Jamie Donaldson sealed a Ryder Cup victory... with a brilliant... shot on the 15th hole this weekend.