The Killer was great, but Hard-Boiled is a treat. I try to get that one in about once a year. Not 5 minutes in, and there's already a big action scene. That, and the hospital scene in HB is ridiculously over-the-top.
The Killer was great, but Hard-Boiled is a treat. I try to get that one in about once a year. Not 5 minutes in, and there's already a big action scene. That, and the hospital scene in HB is ridiculously over-the-top.
I don't know, Albert, the worst church song-and-dance I ever saw resulted in GWB elected as President.
Acts like these are exactly why I stopped watching Saturday Night Live.
You forgot about the one-day suspension for this gem from Rick Sutcliffe.
Worst game of Hollywood Squares ever.
"Name for the cup?"
I see ESPN is trying a new publishing format; the "Testicle."
As you can see, they're all more or less all right.
Legalized marijuana seems rather progressive for Alaska, but then again, they already have vast quantities of snow.
It would be good if Roger figured out exactly what "personal conduct" means. May I suggest spending some time in the electric chair?
These are Ravens fans. Of course they're drunk.
I guess all the pre-season analyses were true. The Bucs really do have this season in the bag.
It's great to see Dyson finally shake off the perception that he sucks.
It's pretty typical that guys in San Diego know how to control a Sherman.
A decent toaster oven should work. These are great:…. You can find them cheap on Woot or Amazon from time-to-time. I use mine for everything from making croutons to broiling steaks and fish. They're small so it's prefect for single people and they don't heat up your apt. or…
Fortunately, Christian Ponder will not miss any playing time.
I'm glad ESPN didn't try to censor their journalists. Frankly, I don't think anything could keep Jason Whitlock from going HAM.
That's great work, Ross, but as we've recently learned, the real problem is that hitters stay together far too long.
Excellent +1