ESPN has almost everything it wants; Fox, NBC, and the Time Warner properties merely scrabble over the remnants.
Well, this is a bit drastic. Usually people just go to the pro-shop if they want their shaft shortened.
UHF is an absolute gem if not a little out-of-reach for the millennial set.
I'm glad they kept it concise by just hitting some of the bigger names. It would have been tedious to include the entire Astros roster.
I don't know, Tom. I think your being a bit harsh. The goat doesn't have to be that smart. Hell, just look at Ali these days.
♫ Every kismet begins with Kay ♫
"Now you tell me then: What position?" Wallace asks.
Offered sheets seem specially designed to create bad blood.
"...bilked customers out of tens of millions of dollars."
Pictured: soccer player gripping a floppy dick.
You could always make a batch of mix the night before and let all those flavors come together before you get plastered the next day.
Not to be that guy, but fuck it, I'll be that guy because that's exactly what you expect when you read, "not to be that guy..."
"Back and to the left. Back... and to the left."
much like your dad after a few Heinekens at a family barbecue, refuses to turn down.
Cleveland Sports Talk Radio is at a party talking to the guy who has been shagging his wife for the past three months and kinda knew but wasn't sure until she dropped the bomb that she was 6-months preggo with the dude's unborn son, so now the affair was longer than you thought and you wish you could go back to court…
This is a really strange way to say you want a transfer to UNLV.
Failed fireworks show? No, this was just part of an interview for the Jethawks as they have been looking to be picked up as a minor league affiliate for a major league club. This night, they were hosting Theo Epstein.