I don't know; a 4-month ban for biting seems a bit harsh. This is a bit off-topic, but living in Texas and being such a soccer noob, I never realized anybody in Italy, let alone someone on the Italian soccer team, no less, would be a great rapper.
I don't know; a 4-month ban for biting seems a bit harsh. This is a bit off-topic, but living in Texas and being such a soccer noob, I never realized anybody in Italy, let alone someone on the Italian soccer team, no less, would be a great rapper.
Dammit. Beat me to it. +1
It's a shame the poor pig got lit up like that. But just think, after euthanization, he will live a fulfilling afterlife by bringing pleasure to hundreds of fans in the form of hot dog sandwiches.
I'll let him slide on that. It is Twitter, and autocorrect can be a bitch.
Not to worry, Tom. Things get misconstrued in 140 characters. Chris Broussard also sent a follow-up tweet: "...on Dwayne Wade. Funeral services will be held on Thursday."
I'm a little surprised in the dismissive tone from the NFL's spokesman. You'd figure McCarthy would do whatever it takes to eliminate anything red.
That is the gait of a man who is convinced that if he just keeps moving, the massive amount of pain that awaits him will never come.
The Bills are Officially for Sale
Excellent tribute from Mr. Olbermann.
I know there is always this stigma about power hitters being one dimensional, striking out a lot, etc. But for Chrissakes, a guy can't smoke a ball anymore, he can only vape it?
I know, after a big championship, there is great cause for celebration and rejoicing. Usually, in sports, this comes in the form of a city-wide parade for the winning team. As such, there's always someone that does something a little wild, a little outlandish. But damn, it's certainly bold, even balsy, for Fox to…
Leonard had a great Finals, to be sure, but I was hoping the MVP would have gone to Diaw or Mills. Both had an incredible Finals with Diaw making some near-impossible passes and Mills lighting shit up from the floor (and showing that he'll be a more-than-capable replacement for Parker). Even old-ass Ginobili looked…
I was watching the CBC feed on NHL Game Center and did not see the outage. Perhaps this was a broadcast-only issue. I could always be wrong though.
Police eventually caught up to the bull by following the trail of Peter Schmuck articles left in the street.