
It's amazing every time I see something like this. I mean, don't people have shame anymore? Who the fuck leaves the house, decked out in their Lions jersey, and thinks, "I'll accessorize with this clashing-blue bandana?"

This was great, Tom. Diaw was eating the Heat alive last night. While it's well-known that Diaw is a prodigious disher, he's also a great passer.

Should have known it would have been the Eagles to pull something like this. All that paper and they still couldn't cover the rock.


Shoes, gear, taxes... all this math eludes me; just pay the agreed amount and call it settled. One thing's for sure, though, The Game looks like he's trying really hard to steal the focus with his frequent use of ellipses.

True, but have you ever had cramps?

It sounds like a great idea on paper, but I think for LeBron, having a ball-hog on the team in Carmello Anthony would cramp his style.

Craig Kilborn: [Watches Victor Martinez' dance video]

And here's another logo for the pile!

Honestly, though. I really don't see why they're making such a big deal out of this guy getting his roomie some flowers.

I really think it's in poor taste that these reporters are questioning this person's nervous condition.

The judge doesn't see the point.

Miguel Cotto is Golden Arms

Thanks, Mr. Zirin, for stopping by to chat with all of us. I haven't yet read your book, but I'm looking forward to getting to it this weekend. In general terms, I'm fascinated about the prosperity Brazil was working towards in the mid-2000's and how after the global economic downturn in 2007-2008 how far Brazil has

I don't know much about Planet Fitness, specifically, but what I do know about Jeremy Baker and his gym t-shirt is that he's clearly an out-of-towner.

Do you know anything about math?

This is clearly a Democratic measure. Republicans would never propose anything that redistributes income back to the citizens.

Nah. The scouting report from Hawk Harrelson says that Canof is slow, lazy, and always getting high.

Jurgen Klinsmann could make U.S. Soccer better by playing American Football instead.

"Super Bowl L," huh? Heh.