
No, he's not a top-scorer. On, or off, the court.

They forgot to show where top-scorer Wilt Chamberlain used to get most of his shots:

Now, I'm not saying there wasn't any aggression on the part of the police, but the soccer fan did flop.

I admire Hawk for manning-up and playing through the pain. Harrelson is an old-school, scrappy ballplayer giving 110% for 162 games a year. Even with having to deal with this malady, the man certainly wasn't going to sit.

And critics have been only been talking about this for the past 15 years or so with all of these great hitters in that same time-frame. Truth be told, even as far back as 1968, 'rhoids have been a problem in baseball.

...the Pacers have gone two months without showing any real spark.

Pictured: The Cubs' Charities Hunger Outreach

It's always painful when, as a sports community we talk about these events. At some point, the NFL really needs to take ownership and present a solution to this. The addressing of long term, devastating depression and trauma from having to watch the Bills and Jags in week 15 is paramount.

+1 anchor man

How to Play Baseball, by Dock Ellis

Had the MLB only known about his drug use and cheating, they would have tried anything to dock Ellis.



Not touching you! Not touching you!



+1 +

This is no surprise. Taft's track record has proven he cannot be affected by attacks from the left.

It's So Hard To Escape The Blazers

I do nothing unintentionally. It's Fiesta here in San Antonio.