
No no, it's not "...." it's "SUCK MY DICK I WON IGD!!! U CANT JUDGE ME!!!"

Here's what's going to happen with this MineQuest MMO


do you have an online gallery?

green on eis Assault Suits Valken (or Assault Suits Leynos)

Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games loves that series.

If he was gay and you weren't, what would you do?

Naw, it goes 40k>SC1>SC2

>>but it also leaves your hands free for other tasks.

Like playing Dragon's Crown on the PSVita



The guy phil fish said "your games just SUCK" to is Makoto Goto, he's an indie developer from Japan

Here's how Makoto responded to phil's harsh words:

Now playing

You have to realize that fish is also incredibly rude in person, like that time he publically humiliated a Japanese games developer asking him a question.

Now playing

My god, I first just heard about fish's words online, but the VIDEO FOOTAGE of him humiliating a fellow games developer asking him a question

Now playing

Ok DocSeuss, are you the kind of guy who would publically humiliate someone asking you a quesiton with a smile on your face?

Andras, is Kotaku going to cover the Saint Seiya MMO that's released in China too?


Yeah, there's nothing worse than some 'games journalist' mouthing off with insults against a hard working games developer.

Whenever I see targetting triangles, I think Macross hahah

1st person soccer would work

See that little star next to ninjagal's comment? That's mine, I agreed with her on their Animal Crossing coverage.

and so the blood feude of Templar and Assassin continues into the next generation...