
Sakaguchi: One of the questions I have is why is Kotaku 'Otaku with a K'? (laughter)[In English] I want to know. What is Kotaku?

Call me an old timer but I miss big "epic" story sprawling, turned based RPGs... These days I usually get my fix by playing various games in the Tales series and setting the entire team to auto battle and just adjust each character's strategy as necessary during battles. Some Tales games AI does auto battle with the

God damn Nintendo for ruining Shulk. Shulk is supposed to be badass warrior in really frilly battle garments, not some beach bum!

Everyone can shut up about Samus now.

There you go. Shulk in his boxers to go with Samus in her sports bra & shorts.

xenoblade boss, metal face

Now with official artwork:

It's a tradition, nothing to do about it.

I knew Pachirisu was my favorite for a reason—and not just because I love squirrels.

Yeah, I have a few of his Nausicaa manga volumes. Definitely some dark stuff!

It's your various expressions and also it's a fun glimpse at a convention that I will never be able to visit.

yes. that is a glue gun. don't ask me why i had a glue gun on me.

That thing was awesome! I know it's just a light behind the glass that turns on and off and pans but still...It was awesome!


My absolute favorite!!! Especially the second piece!