
Kotaku HQ: "Nintendo is releasing shiny legendary Pokemon that will make children happy, how can we make them look bad?"

Patricia: "I know, Complain about legendaries being a bad thing!"


That Jiraiya was stunning, Jiraiya in Naruto is listed as 193 cm so that guy really looked the part!

It says US Navy, I was there n' saw her in person.

That is one sharply dressed kid.

Goddangit, there are millions of Americans who grew up with Goku, and now with Naruto and Luffy. It's a shame if this doesn't even reach US shores.

Chinese gamers enjoy everything. Monster Hunter is very popular, but purely through piracy.

Japanese stuff is popular and pirated, but American stuff gets official releases.

Great Orochimaru!

If you read his name literally in Chinese it's "Big Snake Pill"
Sounds like something you don't want inside you hahah, fitting!

Mao Zedong killed an estimated 50 million Chinese, so by himself he's nearly topped World War 2 on the death scale

If you think saving Jews from systematic murder is offensive, then you can feel free with your disgust you piece of shit.

Here's the history of 20th century China and the Jews

When even England and America were turning Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany (they had reached their quotas of how many Jews they could 'tolerate'), it was China which never closed her doors. Starting on 1937, Ho Feng-Shan, the Republic of China's diplomat in

Do you know which one? I'm always keen on picking up new info.

Says who? Westerners?

Here's what an Indian judge who sat on the Axis war crimes tribunal had to say about war crimes:

Nazi imagery isn't too unusual in Beijing (been living here a few years). People like them for the same reason they think union jacks or american flags are neat, it looks cool.

And historically, China has a MUCH better relationship with Germany than say, Britain or France. Germans brought beer to China, Britain forced

Does the Union Jack fill you with disgust?

Alternate Title: "Westerners shocked that non-Westerners have a different perspective on history!"

Hey, remember that Final Fantasy game that sold over 10 million copies?
Y'know, the one everyone is always SCREAMING for a remake?

Definitely. Also a lot more mobile ports of Squaresoft and Enix titles.

Final Fantasy's thai translations do great in Thailand's Appstore, for example.

Chinese and Japanese can communicate roughly by writing Kanji.

When the founder of modern China (Sun Yatsen) was exiled to Japan in the early 1900's, he communicated with Japanese through writing characters on paper.

That's great to hear!

Chinese naturally have tastes close to Japanese, but it's mostly western companies that officially release stuff in the mainland so it's mainly westerners getting their money. China's the world's largest consumer of anime and manga, yet it's Funny Talking Animal 3D CG western movies that get